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Sam and Arthur returned to camp after their sexual escapade in Border Glade.  Arthur could tell Sam was feeling a little better, although he couldn't help noticing that she was still drifting off in her thoughts, probably still thinking about the man she killed that day.  He felt bad for her, but at the same time, he was extremely grateful that she had saved his life, even at the cost of her innocence.  Sam had gone hunting that evening, wanting to be alone, she had explained.  So he spent time writing in his journal about all of what had occurred that day.  As he finished up, he noticed Dutch approaching him and so Arthur shut the book.

"Hey, Arthur," Dutch said.  "I can't find Sam.  Do you know where she went?"

"Sam went hunting," Arthur replied.  "Said she wanted some time alone."

Dutch arched a brow.  "Well, aren't you worried about her?"

"Of course I'm worried but I wasn't about to fight with her about goin' off on her own.  She's been through a lot today."

"Yes, she has.  But I think she'll be okay."

"Here's hopin'," Arthur said. 

"Is she gonna stay with us, you think?"

"She said she's thinkin' about it, but after today?  Probably not," Arthur said glumly.

"Hmm.  Shame.  People here like her."

"I know.  Me too."

"Well, when you see her, tell her Hosea wants to see her.  He might have a score she can get in on."

Arthur nodded and Dutch walked away.  He wondered if Sam would be fine with him being gone a couple of days.  He really needed to go find that debtor Winton Holmes.  He had it in his mind to ask Sam to come with, but now that Hosea needed her, Arthur would have to go without her.  Perhaps he would go to Rhodes first for the other debtor.  Arthur got off his cot and ambled on over to his horse.  He climbed on and trotted out of camp to head into town.


It was still evening when Sam returned to camp with a deer and some rabbits.  Hunting had helped clear her mind so she was feeling more okay than she had earlier, but she was still horrified at what she had done.  Sam wondered why the sting of it was now less.  Maybe because this world was truly changing her as a person, or maybe it was the influence of the gang.  But now, after having some time to think, Sam realized it didn't really matter what was causing it.  It would be better if she just went home, she thought.

But could she truly go back home and live the life she had been accustomed to for so long?  Thinking about how mundane of a life she really had made her resent it.  But here, in this time, Sam had excitement, danger, and Arthur.  Someday she would have to leave, but it didn't have to be now.  Right?

After giving Pearson the deer and rabbits, Sam walked over to her tent when she was stopped by Tilly.

"Hey Sam.  How you doin'?" Tilly asked.

"I'm fine, and yourself?" Sam answered.

"I'm fine."

Tilly looked uncomfortable as if she wanted to say something but didn't know where to begin.  Sam let out a loud sigh.  "What is it?"

"Well, I heard about what happened today and I just wanted to check and make sure you were okay."

Sam rubbed her face with both hands.  "Gossip sure gets around quick here, doesn't it..."  She looked at an anxious Tilly and threw up her hands.  "Well, I'm dealing with it, I guess."

"Well, if you want to talk about it, I'm here."

Sam laughed bitterly.  "What could I possibly say to help you understand what I'm going through?  You never killed a man."

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