The Wedding

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Song is "It's Gonna Be Me" by N'SYNC

Sam waited for a long while before she started getting worried.  Why hadn't Arthur gotten back yet?  She made a decision then to go after him.  She grabbed her gun and bow and ammo from her room, left the house and walked to her horse Orion.

"Sam, where are you goin'?!" Charles belted out.

"To find my fiancé!  Something is wrong!" she barked out.

Charles, Bill, Javier and Hosea ran up behind her.  "You won't be able to find him in the dark!" Hosea pointed out.

Sam mounted up on Orion.  "The hell I won't!  I know he's in the swamps somewhere!  He was looking for orchid flowers to make my bouquet!"

Charles sighed.  "Well, let me come with, at least.  I'll help you track him.  And should you be doin' this in your dress?"

"I don't have time to get out of it!"

Javier chuckled along with Hosea.  "She's a stubborn one," Javier said.  "I'll come with too, in case something went wrong and we have to fight to get him out of a predicament."

Sam nodded in approval.  "Thank you both."  The two men went to go find their mounts as Sam slung her rifle and bow over her back.  Hosea crossed his arms and smiled up at her.  Sam smirked at him.  "What are you looking at, Hosea?"

"Just looking at the best woman Arthur could ever ask for.  Going out at night to save his hide," Hosea said with a chuckle.  "In her wedding dress, no doubt."

Sam rolled her eyes and laughed.  "Thanks, old man."

Hosea laughed as well before Charles and Javier pulled up with their horses.  The three headed out along the avenue, all with their lanterns out.  Sam, Javier and Charles agreed on which way Arthur took to leave the area.  His tracks led to the north.  They traveled for quite some time until the tracks led off the road.  They were about to dismount when they heard a horse neighing in the distance.  Sam looked at the road and saw a man on a horse riding up.  It was hard to tell in the dark who it was but Sam shouted out Arthur's name anyway.

"Arthur, is that you?!"  The rider slowed down and pulled out his lantern.  Yep, it was Arthur.  And he looked a little beaten up.  Sam made a sigh of relief but she was also mad as hell.  "And what do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Morgan?!  I was worried sick!"

Arthur glared at her.  "Well excuse me for gettin' assaulted and kidnapped by the god damn Nightfolk!"

Sam threw up her hands.  "You were supposed to be out looking for god damn flowers for my bouquet!"

"Well, shit happens!"  Arthur looked her up and down.  "And why the hell are you ridin' around in your dress?!"

Sam scowled at him.  "Because I can!  Now let's go get married, asshole!"

Charles and Javier were trying very hard not to laugh at the couple but as soon as Sam called Arthur an asshole, they burst out into hysterics. 

"Are you gonna marry me even though you're angry, you stubborn wench?!"

"Yes!  Now let's fucking go!" she growled.


Arthur headed past them in the direction of Shady Belle while Charles and Javier were still laughing, then they got going after Arthur.  Sam came in from the rear back to Shady Belle.  They eventually arrived at their destination but both the bride and the groom were still angry with each other.  Sam took off her weapons and stored them on her horse.  She was mumbling to herself.

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