The Letter

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This is it, everyone.  The final chapter.  I want to thank you all for your votes and comments, they really help keep me going.  Writing this story was quite the journey.  Thanks for reading it.

This chapter is rated M for sexual content.

Everyone enjoyed the food that Sam and Arthur had made, and soon the kids got restless and wanted to go outside and play. Sam allowed it and the kids as well as the pets left the house, leaving Clint, Sam and Arthur alone.

"So Clint, what had you so worried at work earlier?" Sam asked him.

Clint sighed and stretched his arms over his head. "We still have a Drekoni problem, that's all. Rumor is they're holed up in another warehouse somewhere at the port," Clint explained.

Sam frowned as she stood and started clearing the table. "Do you need us to help?"

"No, that's okay. You guys have helped so much already. Tomorrow night should be the end of this whole mess."

Sam nodded and put the dishes in the sink. "Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find us," Arthur offered.

Arthur got up to help Sam clean up. "Well, this was a wonderful meal, you guys," Clint said. "But God, do I miss Coney dogs."

"I kiss sauerkraut," Sam mentioned.

"Oh ew."

Sam threw her head back and laughed. "Oh come on. Sauerkraut on a brat? That was the best, Clint."

"What's a brat?" Arthur asked.

"It's a type of sausage, babe," Sam replied. "It's a big sausage link that you eat on a hot dog bun."

"What's a hot dog bun?"

"It's a type of sandwich bread with a slit in the middle."


Sam began cleaning the dishes and Clint stood up from the table. "Well, I should head back home," he said. "Thanks again for dinner."

"What's the rush? You don't open tomorrow," Sam said.

"Well, what do you suggest?"

"Get drunk off our asses, of course," Sam said with a smirk. "After the kids are asleep."

Clint laughed. "That does sound like a good time. Shit, why not?"

The front door opened and Hosea came walking back in. "Momma, Pa, can we go swimming?"

Sam shook her head. "It's a little late to be doing that, I think."

"Oh come on, please?" Hosea begged.

Sam sighed and looked at her son. "Alright, tell the girls to get their suits. But I'm coming with, you hear me?"

Hosea ran back out and Arthur grinned. "Let's get our suits on, too!"

"You want to go swimming too, huh?" Sam sighed. "Alright. You game, Clint?"

"Sure," Clint answered. "I don't have a suit, though."

"That's okay, just go in your underwear."

Arthur's eyes bugged out. "His underwear?"

"Yes, his underwear. Arthur, I've told you all about bathing suits in the future. That's basically what they are."

After the dishes were done, Arthur and Sam went to their room and changed into their swimsuits. She didn't like wearing the black and white striped garment. She missed wearing bikinis. But, oh well.

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