The Answer

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This chapter is rated M for sexual content.

Sam was staring wide eyed at Arthur with her jaw dropped.  Oh fuck.  Oh fuck.  Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.  Jesus fucking Christ.  Arthur just proposed to her.  He just proposed to her.  Oh my God, he just proposed to her. 

"Um, Sam?" Arthur asked nervously.  "You okay?"  Sam didn't say anything, nor did she move a muscle.  "Samantha?"

"...You...a-a-are you being serious right now?" she asked, her voice shaky and gentle.

"Yes.  I'm bein' serious right now."  Sam felt weak in the knees but she did her best not to lose strength and fall over.  That didn't amount to much.  She plopped down on her butt on the porch steps, feeling woozy and hearing her heart pounding in her ears.  Arthur's face showed concern.  "What's wrong, darlin'?" he asked.

"Y-you really wanna marry me?  Really?" she gasped.

Arthur laughed.  "Of course I do.  You don't believe me?"

"Not really.  I mean...why would you want to marry me?  There's so many other women you could-"

Arthur leaned forward and kissed her.  "I want you and only you, Samantha Burke.  Now, I'm gonna ask you again.  Will you marry me?"

Sam began laughing.  She still didn't believe him.  This had to be joke.  If it was, though, she was more than happy to play the fool.  "Yes.  Yes, I'll marry you, Arthur Morgan."

The gang cheered while Arthur smiled and took the ring out of the box.  He slipped it on her ring finger and Sam kissed him heatedly.  Arthur helped her stand up and she clung to him, digging her face into his shoulder.  She was on cloud nine at this point.  She hadn't expected him to propose, and yet he had.  Sam was still laughing from being overjoyed. 

"Well, this calls for a celebration!" Dutch shouted.

Sam chuckled into Arthur's arm.  Dutch and his parties.  They sure were having a lot of them.  The whiskey and beer were brought out and the music began to play.  Sam was surrounded by all the woman who were oggling her ring while Arthur went off somewhere.

"Oh, it's gorgeous, Sam!" Karen squealed.

Tilly gasped.  "And look at those leaves, so classy!"

The women surrounded Sam more to get a closer look and Sam was more than happy to show it off.  After taking a good look at it, she realized it must have cost Arthur a fortune to buy it.  It had five diamonds, for crying out loud.  Had he been saving up for this ring?  Once the women were done fawning over it, Sam made her way over to Arthur.

"So, how much did this ring cost you, anyway?" she asked.

Arthur smirked at her.  "I'm not tellin' you that."

Sam clung to his arm.  "Oh come on, please?"

Arthur smacked her arm gently.  "No."

"You're such a kill joy."

Arthur laughed loudly.  "What's that mean?"

"It means you're no fun."

Arthur smirked again.  "You wasn't sayin' that earlier," he whispered.

Sam snorted into laughter.  "Cad."

Arthur smiled like he was the devil.  "Oh, I'll show you a cad." 

He wrapped his arms around her tightly and kissed her deeply, running his hands down to her ass and spanking both cheeks.  Sam yelped and Arthur chuckled deeply.  He kept kissing her and Sam laid her arms lazily around his neck. 

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