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Sam knocked on Clint's door furiously. "Clint! Open the fuck up!" she yelled.

"Are you sure he ain't at work?" Arthur asked.

"I'm sure. It's his day off. Clint!" Sam banged on the door some more.

It finally opened and Clint's face came into view. "Hey, what's...what's goin' on?"

Sam grabbed Clint by the collar and yanked him close, glaring up at him. "Where are the Drekoni holed up? I know that you know!"

Clint's eyes went wide as he looked down at Sam. "What the hell, Sam? What's wrong?"

"The Drekoni attacked our farm and killed my son!"

Clint's eyes went even wider. "Hosea's dead? Oh fuck, no..."

"Yes! Now tell me where the Drekoni are at so I can kill every last one of those mother fuckers!"

Clint put his hands on Sam's shoulders. "Sam, you need to calm down, okay?"

"I will not fucking calm down!"

Arthur grabbed Sam's shoulders and pulled her close to him. "Sam, it ain't his fault. Don't take it out on him."

Sam took a few shuddering breaths and let go of Clint's collar. Clint pulled both Arthur and Sam into the house and shut the door. "What happened to Metua's men?"

"All dead," Arthur replied as Sam went to sit down with her head drooped in her hands.

"Fuck. This is definitely gonna start a gang war," Clint said, pacing back and forth. "How many Drekoni came to your farm?"

Arthur shrugged. "At least twenty five men, but they're all dead too."

"Phew. Remind me never to get on your guy's bad side," Clint said with a chuckle.

"We need more of Metua's men to go after all the Drekoni. And I mean all of the Drekoni," Sam said with a growl.

"Sam, I don't know if-"

Sam's head snapped up. "Clint, they killed Hosea! He was only seven! Seven!" Sam stood and approached Clint. "If you don't help us, I will track them all down on my own and either burn or flay each one alive!"

Clint held up his hands. "Alright, alright. Let's...let's go find Metua, see what he says, okay? He will definitely not be happy about any of this."

Sam nodded and walked to the door. "Then let's go."

The three left the house and Clint went to go saddle his horse. When that was done, he got on and they left to go into the town of Pape'ete in the rich business district. Sam was surprised at the size of it and how she'd never really been to that part of town.

"So what does Metua actually do?" Sam asked Clint.

"He owns a mining company," Clint replied.

"Really? A mining company? Is it a front?"

Clint smirked at her. "No. That business is legitimate, although the Po Taata have plenty of fronts throughout the city. Metua inherited the company from his father and, well, Metua is quite a business man."

"So...Metua is the president of a legit company and also the head of a big crime organization?" Sam scoffed. "Quite an ambitious fellow, isn't he?"

"Yes, but he's a fair man. He donates a lot to the poor and desolate. He's the forefront on ending hunger here on the islands, which is why he also has a few farms on the east and and west coasts, too. Actually, you guys have been kinda...putting one or two out of business."

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