Mr. Châtenay

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"Okay," Sam said, unsure of what Arthur was going to say. "But...shouldn't we get back to the others?"

"We will in a few minutes," Arthur said. "I'm real worried about you, sweetheart."

Sam rolled her eyes. "Arthur, I said-"

"I know what you said, but I'm still worried." Sam went to get up but Arthur stopped her. "Sam, please."

Sam relaxed on the bench and sighed. "You need to stop being worried. I said I was fine."

"I don't think you are. You killed those two men in cold blood like they were nothin'."

Sam narrowed her eyes. "They were nothing."

"Yet you gave them water. What changed?"

"I don't know. I just...after killing Micah, I decided to kill them too. They got off lucky."

"I don't doubt that, but's unlike you."

"I know. I'm changing, I guess."

Arthur sighed and rubbed his face. "Well, I don't like it."

"Oh for fuck's sake, Arthur! You and Dutch were going to kill them anyway!"

Arthur eyed her and gestured with his hand for Sam to keep her voice down. "I know, but...what did they do to you?"

Sam shook her head. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing, other than help kidnap me."

"Fair enough, but it still don't add up for me."

"Why not?"

"Sam...did they...touch you?"

Sam started laughing. What a ridiculous question. "No, of course not."

"Did Micah?"

"He beat me up, so yeah he touched me."

Arthur gave her a serious look. "Sam, I'm askin' if he violated you."

Sam's expression turned grim. "No..."

Arthur didn't look convinced. "Sam, are you sure?"

"What the hell, Arthur? I said no. Now can we please go? We've got packing to do."

Arthur frowned but nodded. "Okay."

Sam quickly got up from the bench and walked to Orion. Arthur followed to his own horse and they both climbed onto their saddles before heading east back to Beaver Hollow. By the time they got back, almost everything was packed up and ready to go. Sam insisted on helping with the rest but Arthur told her to go rest in one of the wagons. Sam growled at him but did as she was told. She sat on the back of one of the wagons, her arms crossed and an angry look on her face. Arthur came over on occasion to check on her bit she didn't speak to him. Sam was pouting like a little girl and she knew it, but she couldn't seem to help herself. Suddenly Sam felt another headache coming on and she growled, grabbing the back of her head. What was with all these god damn headaches she was getting?

Maybe Sam had a concussion? She'd never even thought about it, but it was possible. If so, she knew she had to start taking it easy on herself. That, however, was easier said than done.

"You alright?" Karen asked Sam as she headed over with a small box.

"Yeah, just got a headache, is all," Sam replied barely above a whisper lest her voice make the pain worse.

"Hmm. I'll go see if Grimshaw's got anythin' for that."

"Thanks." Sam watched Karen walk off to go find Miss Grimshaw and she laid down in the wagon uncomfortably. She wasn't feeling all that well either, now that she thought about it. After a few moments, Grimshaw came to her aid with a bottle of something for Sam to drink. Sam sat up and drank some of the chalky concoction and hacked away from the taste. "Ugh, gross."

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