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Sam nuzzled into Arthur's neck, lying with him on the bed.  "That was some good make up sex," she purred.

Arthur chuckled deeply.  "Make up sex?"

"Yes.  It's sex that happens after a fight."

"Oh.  Heh heh heh, then yes, it was good."

Sam rested her weight on her elbow and looked at him.  "Are you still mad?"

"A little bit, but it ain't got passed me how impressive you is."

Sam gave him a sultry expression.  "I certainly hope so."

Arthur cackled loudly.  "I meant with gettin' our money back.  But yeah, you're impressive in bed, too."

"Hmmm, you're damn right I am."

Arthur smiled at her brightly.  "And what about me?"

Sam squinted her eyes, looked up, and huffed.  "Meh," she said, shaking her hand a little.

"Meh?  What's meh?"

Sam grinned with a bite to her bottom lip.  "You're...okay."

Arthur scoffed and lifted his head.  "Just okay?"  Sam only shrugged at him.  He rolled on top of her and kissed her neck.  "Is this just okay?"

"Uh huh, you gotta do better than...oh...that..."

Arthur kept kissing on her neck, making Sam moan as his hand trailed down to between her legs.  "Are you sure?"

"Oh, you're so mean."

Arthur chuckled gruffly into her throat.  "Oh, sweetheart, you ain't got no idea..."

"Herr Morgan!" Sam heard outside the tent. 

Arthur growled in irritation.  "What?!"

"Um, I need to speak to you."

Sam giggled and Arthur pressed his forehead to her chest.  "I'll...just give me a second," he whispered.

He climbed out of bed, lit the blanket on her, pulled on his pants, and opened the flaps.  Sam sat up and gripped the blanket to her naked body.  "Arthur!"

Arthur looked back at her with a smile before glancing at an almost horrified Strauss.  "What is it, Strauss?" Arthur growled.

"Um...I have some...some debtors, Mr. Morgan," he said, avoiding Sam's gaze.

"Alright, well, I'll be out in a minute to discuss them with you."

"No, please, take your time.  I'm...I'm sorry for interrupting...whatever...this was."

Strauss scrambled away and Sam giggled into a fit.  Arthur closed the flaps and turned back to her.  He gave her a devilish smile and dropped his pants, stepping out of them and crawling back onto the bed.


Arthur and Sam walked out of the tent together, hand in hand.  They both looked around camp for Mr. Strauss and found him on a log by the edge of camp. 

"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan," he said cheerfully.

"Herr Strauss," they both said to him as they closed in.

"How are you both?"

"We're fine.  And yourself?" Arthur asked.

"Good.  Now, I have," Strauss pulled out his ledger, "a list of debtors here.  There's a deserter from Fort Wallace.  Head to him first, they're looking for him out on the road near Three Sisters.  Man's name is J. John Weathers."

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