Seven Years Later

863 19 6

This chapter is rated M for sexual content.

May, 1907

Sam woke up with a start and sat up. Clarice was jumping on the bed, screeching and chirping. Sam started chuckling and rubbed her eyes.

"Ugh, you silly girl. You want your breakfast, I take it?" Sam asked rhetorically.

Arthur rolled over on his side and grumbled into the pillow. "Why does she do this every mornin'? She's worse than a god damn rooster."

Sam got out of bed with a laugh. "Oh, admit it. You like it."

"I most certainly do not," Arthur mumbled with irritation in his voice.

Sam giggled and walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen, reaching for the fruit bowl in one of the cupboards. Clarice followed on her hind legs.

"Okay, Clarice. What'll it be today? Banana? Mango? Breadfruit?" Clarice chirped as she jumped on the counter, looking right at the banana. "Hmm, good choice, sweetie."

Sam peeled the banana and gave it to the monkey to eat. Another door opened and Sam looked over to see Hosea walking out of his bedroom, rubbing his eyes with his palms. "Momma, Tiffany wet the bed again," he said in a groggy voice.

Sam sighed and walked over to him. "Okay, I'll deal with that. You just find yourself some breakfast."

Hosea nodded with a yawn and stumbled over to the kitchen. Sam walked into the bedroom to see her three-year-old Tiffany bouncing on her bed. The girl's bottom was covered in piss. Sam shook her head. "I don't know why you're happy. You're all covered in pee."

Tiffany stopped bouncing and frowned. "Sowwy, Mommy. I just..." Tiffany threw up her hands in disgust. "I had to pee."

Sam took a deep breath and sighed. "It's okay. These things happen. But why didn't you go to the potty like everyone else?"

Tiffany pouted. "Because Scarlet told me...she told me a poo monster would come and get me if I used the potty."

Sam blinked and crossed her arms. "Oh really?" She looked over at her sleeping five-year-old. "Well, she and I are gonna have a talk later, but for right now, let's get you changed."

Tiffany clapped her hands and giggled. "Yes. Change me, Mommy. I would...I would vewy much appwe...appwe...ugh! I'd like it!"

Sam laughed and picked up her little girl. She got Tiffany out of her wet clothes and put her into new ones, then she took the sheets off her bed and bundled them up, putting them in a laundry basket. She'd have to wash those later. Arthur came into the bedroom with two cups of coffee.

"Our son is raidin' the pantry," Arthur said with a chuckle. "And I heard this little one wet the bed again."

Tiffany ran and clung to Arthur's leg, looking up at him with her hazel puppy dog eyes. "I'm sowwy, Daddy. But the poo monster is after my butt."

Sam snorted into her hand, breaking into a fit of laughter, and Arthur arched a brow. "The poo monster wants your butt?"

"Yes. From the potty."

"Yeah, Scarlet told her all about that," Sam said with amusement in her voice.

Arthur cackled and handed Sam a cup of coffee. "Scarlet is such a trouble maker."

Sam took it and smiled. "I have no idea where she gets it from."

As Sam took a sip of her coffee, Arthur went to wake up Scarlet but Tiffany was still clinging to his leg. "Daddy! Keep going!" she shouted.

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