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Arthur and Dutch looked at each other, their mouths and eyes wide open.  "Well, that was..." Dutch said.  "I have been rendered speechless."

Arthur nodded.  "Me too.  What now, Dutch?"

Ditch sighed.  "Charles, John, Bill, take these three fools and go burn 'em.  Arthur, I think Sam, you and I need a word."

Arthur nodded and walked over to his tent with Dutch.  "Sam?" Arthur said just outside.  "You okay?" 

No response.

"Sam, it's Dutch.  Arthur and I want to have a talk with you."

"...Is that really necessary?" Arthur heard Sam ask meekly.

"I think so," Dutch replied.

"...Okay."  Dutch and Arthur walked in and Arthur saw her sitting on the cot, her knees up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them.  Arthur sat on the cot with her and Dutch pulled up a chair.  She looked morose.  "What's up?" she asked quietly.

"Oh, just wonderin' what that was all about," Dutch said.  "You killin' Cleet and Joe."

"Weren't they gonna die anyway?"

"Well, yeah, but I didn't think you'd be the one to pull the trigger."

"Why?  Because I was nice to them on the way here?"

"Uh huh."

Sam sighed loudly.  "Well, they still kidnapped me and they still watched Micah kick my ass without stopping him, so..."

"I see.  Well, that was certainly justifiable then."

Sam looked up at Dutch.  "You thought it wasn't?"

"No.  Like I said, didn't think you'd be the one to kill 'em."

Sam buried her face into her knees.  "I'm a killer now.  What's not to expect?"

Arthur rested a palm on her knee.  "Sam, we're just makin' sure you're okay."

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

Sam eyed Arthur, looking a little irritated.  "I said I'm fine.  Can we talk about something else now?  Like what the hell we're gonna do now that we got the money back?"

Dutch stood up from his chair.  "We're gonna pack up, head to Saint Denis, get on a boat and head out to Tahiti.  It's a six week trip, I hear."

Sam nodded.  "Okay, sounds good to me."

Dutch nodded to and opened the tent flap.  "For right now, though, you should get some rest while we pack things up.  You're still pretty injured."

"I know," Sam said, laying down on the cot. 

"Arthur, a word?"

Arthur nodded and gave Sam a kiss before covering her up and leaving the tent with Dutch.  "Yes, Dutch?"

Dutch led Arthur away from the tent.  "I'm a little worried about Sam."


"I think Micah really did a number on her, son."

Arthur scrubbed his chin.  "I think so too, but she'll be alright.  She's a strong woman."

"I believe it.  But...her killin' those two men like that, it ain't like her at all."

"I know."  Arthur looked around, his hands on his hips.  "But I think she'll be okay."

"Let's hope so."  Dutch turned and addressed the hang.  "Folks, we need to leave.  Let's start packin' up and get goin'."

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