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Sam's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "How? He's surrounded by guards day and night," she whispered.

"That's true, but we outnumber his guards, don't you think?" Dutch asked.

"No. He has at least thirty guards. I've tried to count them all but they all have started looking the same."

Dutch snorted a little. "Well, any other information you can give us would be appreciated."

Sam pondered for a few moments. "Well, you can't just go through the front door."

"Mrs. Callahan," a guard said, popping up beside her. "Mr. Bronte does not like to be kept waiting."

Sam sighed and looked at Dutch. "Well, the old ball and chain is calling me. I hope to see you guys soon."

Sam turned to walk away. "Sam," Dutch said.

She stopped and turned around. "Yes?"

"You look beautiful, by the way."

Sam smiled at him. "Thanks."

She turned back around and walked with the guard back over to the house. They went to the second floor to the balcony where Bronte and his men were laughing and smoking cigars. Bronte turned and looked at Sam.

"Ah, there you are, bellissimo. Where have you been?" he asked her.

"Mingling, like you said I should," she replied while sitting down in a chair, finishing off her champagne. Bronte walked over to her and backhanded her in the face. She grasped her cheek and glared at him. "What the fuck was that for?!" she snapped.

"I never said you could go off and fuck your lover!"

Sam glared at the two men who were supposed to be watching her, then back at Bronte. "You can't tell me what to do, you fucking greasy bag of dicks!"


Arthur, after having stolen an extremely confidential note from Henri Lemieux's office, went downstairs and met up with Dutch just outside the house. He approached the railing and cleared his throat to get Dutch's attention.

"Find anything?" Dutch asked him.

Arthur pat his pocket. "I think so."

"Nothin'," Bill said as he and Hosea came up the stairs. "This town is a waste of time."

"Maybe not..." Hosea interjected. "Arthur. Gentlemen, I think we're done here."

Arthur looked through the crowd, trying to find Sam again, but she wasn't around. He closed his eyes and huffed in frustration. She was probably upstairs with the rat bastard Bronte.

"Come on, Arthur," Dutch said. "You'll get to see Sam again soon enough." No, he would not see her soon enough. He turned and followed the men into the house. "What did you find out?" Dutch asked Hosea.

"There's plenty of money that moves through-"

Hosea was interrupted by some of Bronte's men forcing Sam down some stairs. Arthur noticed her cheek was a little swollen and her lip was bleeding. His eyes narrowed.

"What did you do to my wife?!" Arthur demanded of Bronte.

Bronte approached Arthur. "She had sex with you, so she suffered the consequences."

Arthur went to charge the man but Dutch and Hosea pulled him back. "Easy, Arthur," Hosea said.

Bronte chuckled. "Forget the previous deal to have her returned to you. Now it's thirty thousand dollars for her release."

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