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Sam saw Micah holding her blanket, so she yanked it from him and covered herself.  "What the fuck are you doing in my tent?!" Sam demanded.

"Just wanted to see what all the fuss was about," Micah said with a laugh.  "Arthur really got lucky gettin' a girl with a body like yours.  Even with those scars of yours."

Sam scowled as she carefully scrambled off the cot, keeping the blanket wrapped around her.  "Get out!"

Micah smirked and started closing in on her.  "Now now, Miss Burke," he sighed.  "Let's not be hasty."

"I said get out!"

"Sam?  Is everything alright in there?" Sam heard Miss Grimshaw ask.

"Micah is in here and he won't leave!"

The blonde man chuckled and got closer to Sam.  "Come on, Sam, just one roll in the hay."

"Absolutely not!  Now get out, you fucking degenerate!" 

Sam knew she was at a disadvantage.  While she could very well fight the man, she couldn't do it without uncovering her naked body, but she had to fight him off somehow because he was getting closer.

"Arthur don't need to know," he said in a sultry tone.


Micah got close enough to try and kiss her but Sam slapped him in the face before he could.

"Ow," Micah laughed, grasping his cheek.  "You got fire in you.  I like that."

"Micah!" Dutch yelled.  "Get out here now!"

Micah sighed and stroked his finger along her cheek which she smacked away aggressively.  "Don't go nowhere," he said.

As Micah left the tent, Sam quickly got dressed in a maroon button down shirt, black pants, and brown western boots.  As she grabbed her satchel, she could hear Dutch scolding Micah just outside.  Never again was Sam going to be sleeping naked.  She put on her hat and walked outside, Micah's back to her.  Dutch was still yelling at him.  She pulled out her knife discreetly and grabbed Micah's shoulder to turn him around.  When he was facing her, she put her knife to his groin.  People gasped at this as Sam glared into his eyes.

"If you ever do that again, I'll cut your dick off and sew it to your forehead.  Got it?" she threatened.

Dutch chuckled deeply as others gaped at her threat.  Micah put his hands up and backed up with a laugh before walking away.  Sam sheathed her knife and looked around at everyone. 

"That's an interesting threat you made there, Sam," Dutch said, chortling at her.  "Why would you sew it to his head?"

"Might as well let the rest of the world know up front what kind of man he is," Sam replied nonchalantly.

"And what man would that be?"

"A dickhead."

"Oh my lord," Miss Grimshaw said in shock.

Bill, Uncle and Lenny bent over, laughing hysterically at the joke.  Dutch laughed briefly before walking back over to his tent.  Sam shook her head as she went walking over to Orion.  She was about to go hunting when Uncle stopped her.

"Miss Burke, can I talk to you for a second?" he asked her.

Sam stopped walking and turned around to face him.  "Sure, what's up?"

"I've got information about a job."

"What kind of job?"  Sam took out a cigarette and tried to lit a match with her boot.  Nope, didn't work.  She tried again, but to no avail.  "God dammit, Arthur and Dutch make this look so easy."

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