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"Hey, Miss Burke," Arthur said as he walked up to a steaming Sam. "You alright?"

"No! I'm not alright!" Sam shouted as she grabbed the chicken feed bucket. "The men in this camp are dirty, rotten, smelly fucking pigs and they keep trying to get into my fucking pants!"

Arthur laughed at her and grasped his belt buckle. "I'm sorry, Miss Burke. I know some of the men are a little...well, yes, they are pigs."

Sam growled as she went to refill the bucket. "At least you haven't tried anything yet, Mr. Morgan. And even if you did, I have a feeling you'd be more of a gentleman about it."

Arthur laughed again. "Oh don't worry, I have no plans of tryin' to...what was it you said?"

"Get into my pants."

"Right. Yes. No plans on that."

"I mean, can't they find more attractive women to go pester?!" She grabbed the bucket and started walking away.

Arthur followed her. "More attractive?"

"Yes, because I'm not exactly, you know..."

"You're not what?"

Sam sighed and looked at him. "Beautiful."

Arthur gaped at her. "Now, how can you be so down on yourself, Miss Burke? You...you got a nice...uh, face."

She really did, and Arthur was shocked that Sam didn't seem to realize it. Her puffy cheeks were particularly adorable, he thought. And her lips were full and pouty. He loved that. Arthur stopped himself from admiring her physical attributes.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Morgan. But what about the rest of me? I look like a...like a giraffe!"

Arthur laughed with a shake to his head. She did have a long neck, but it made her look more graceful than anything else. He figured her to be at five foot eleven, but she was a strong looking woman, and he thought it was endearing. He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "You look like a woman who can handle herself. That's why some of the men can't seem to help themselves. They like a strong woman, even though they can't handle one."

Sam turned her head to Arthur and smiled a little. "Well, thank you..."

"You're welcome." Arthur closed in on her. "Hey, so, would you like to come take a ride with me? I need to go see Reverend Swanson up at the train station and you look like you could get out for a bit away from all the little piggies here."

Sam laughed and smiled brightly at him, which made Arthur's heart skip a beat. God, that smile and laugh was deadly. "Sure, I could get out for a bit. Just lead the way, Mr. Morgan."

Arthur walked towards the horses, making sure Sam was behind him. She was after handing the chicken feed bucket to Sadie who gladly took it. Sam mounted in her bay roan while Arthur mounted on his Tennessee Walker. They both left the camp and trotted out into the wilderness. "So, how's the huntin' game been, Miss Burke?"

"Lacking," Sam said glumly.

Arthur frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry. "Not enough game, or what?"

"No, it's not that. I really want to go after the bigger game but I can't shoot a gun."

"Then why don't you ask one of the men to do it? You could ask Charles."

"Well, I wouldn't want to bother them. They've been busy trying to find scores. And some of them I'd beat the shit out of before asking to be alone with them."

Arthur wheezed out a laugh. "You make me laugh, Miss Burke."

"Glad someone finds me amusing."

Arthur frowned at her. "You really are down on yourself a lot, ain't ya? Why?"

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