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"What's goin' on?" Dutch demanded to know as Sam and Arthur ran out to join Dutch, Lenny and Molly.

"He, he's been arrested for murder," Lenny explained.  "He was in Strawberry and..."

"It's okay, son.  Breathe..." Dutch said.

Lenny bent over at the waist, breathing hard.  "They nearly lynched me.  They...they got Micah in the sheriff's in Strawberry...and there's talk of hangin' him."

"Here's hopin'," Arthur said.

Sam blew a raspberry, finding Arthur's comment amusing.  "Arthur!" Dutch scolded.

"What?" Arthur asked as he looked at Dutch.  "That fool brought this on himself.  You know my feelings about him, Dutch."

"You think I can't see past his bluster to the heart inside?  He is a fine man."

"No!  I ain't savin' that fool!"

"I can't go!  My face will be all over West Elizabeth!  I am asking!  He would do it for you."

"I don't think he would, but...fiiine, alright."


Arthur sighed with a shake of his head and looked at Lenny.  "You okay, Lenny?"

"Yeah, course I'm okay," Lenny replied.

Sam and Arthur walked up to him.  "You don't seem okay," said Arthur.

"You take that kid into town.  Valentine, not Strawberry," Dutch said as he turned around to walk to his tent. "Get him drunk.  And Arthur, no crazy business."

"I've given that up," Arthur said.

"And you get Micah out of that jail."

Arthur sighed again and looked at Sam.  "You comin'?"

Sam gave him a smile.  "Yes.  I could use a drink."

Arthur looked at Lenny.  "C'mon, son," he said, grabbing Lenny.  "I'll get to it Dutch," he shouted.  "Just...can't drop everything."

The three walked over to their horses and got on.  Arthur and Sam locked eyes for a moment and Arthur flashed a broad smile at her.  Sam smirked at him and giggled.  She was certainly in a much better mood now that they'd finally kissed, even though it had been very brief.  Sam touched her lips before they headed out of camp, savoring the memory of his touch.

"I rode as fast as I could.  I didn't stop for nothin'," Lenny said.

"Yeah, you look like you've been through it," Arthur answered. 

"Pff, I'm beat.  We finally get off that mountain, then this...Micah's got a crazy side."

"No shit, Sherlock," Sam said with a giggle.

Arthur and Lenny looked at her before laughing.  "Sherlock, huh?  As in Sherlock Holmes?" Lenny asked.

"Again, no shit, Sherlock."

The men laughed once more and Arthur spoke up.  "What were you boys doin'?  You's supposed to be scoutin' ahead for us."

"I kept askin' him what we was doin', but he was, "you worry too much, kid", "just some business to attend to, kid"...you know how he is," Lenny said.

"Yes, I do."

"He was hakf-soaked before we even got there.  Then we ran into some fellas, one of them Micah knew, drank some more...and this is supposed to be a dry town we're in too."

"And then he shoots one of 'em...I know how that goes."

The two men continued their conversation but Sam wasn't paying much attention.  She was only thinking of how Arthur kissed her, the way his stubble scratched her skin, the smell of campfire smoke, tobacco and pine invading her senses.  He smelled and tasted like her own little version of heaven.  Sam's eyes wandered to Arthur who was now winking at her as they rode up to Smithfields.  The three dismounted and tethered their horses to posts before walking in.  The place was packed.  The three walked over to the bar and put down some coins.

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