True Love

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This chapter is rated M for sexual content.

Sam and Arthur arrived back on the Gray plantation to go see Beau and give him Penelope's letter. They asked where Beau was and were told that he was at the stables so they headed over there. They dismounted as they noticed Beau grooming a horse, so Sam and Arthur approached.  Now it was her turn to do the job.  At least it was making her not think about...she shook her head to clear it.  Sam leaned against the door of the stall and whistled, getting Beau's attention.

"Yo.  We delivered your letter," she said casually.

Beau smiled at her.  "Did she give anything for me?"

"Yes."  Sam pulled out the envelope and was just about to give it to Beau when she snatched it back.  "Ah ah ah, money first," she scolded lightly.

Arthur let out a low chuckle while Beau reached into his pocket and pulled out money, then she grabbed it and handed it over to Arthur.  Sam reached over the door and gave Beau the letter.  He grabbed it much like a little boy grabbing a cherished toy.

"Thank you, Arthur, and, um..."


"Right.  Sam.  Thank you."  Beau left the stall and sat down on some bags of horse feed.  Sam watched Beau scan the letter and grin.  "My God...what a woman," he said.

"That special, huh?"

"Yes."  Beau continued reading but then his smile faded.  Uh oh. "She's...this'll get her killed for sure!"

"What?" Arthur and Sam both said. 

"Women's suffrage."  Beau stood up and Sam took a peek at the letter.  'Round here, they don't even like men voting.  They'd bring back the monarchy given half the chance.  Progress is a dirty word in these parts...unlike incest!"

"Excuse me?" Arthur said.

"I don't wanna marry my cousin Matilda!  I wanna marry Penelope!" Beau yelled as he paced.  "But they're gonna...they'll kill her at one of those rallies they're holdin', they've done it before!"  Beau stared at Sam and Arthur with a look of desperation.  "You gotta help."

"No," Arthur said.  "I'm afraid I don't-"

'I'll go," Sam interrupted.

Arthur gave her an annoyed look.  "Really?  You're gonna help a girl not get killed at a rally?"

"Maybe.  Hell, I just wanna see what these women are like.  It's history in the making, Arthur," she said, emphasizing the last sentence.

Arthur seemed to get what she meant...possibly.  "I'll pay," Beau said.  "My family, we still got some money."

Sam clung to Arthur's arm and tugged on it.  "Come on, Arthur.  Please?" she said, looking at him with a puppy dog face.

Arthur let out a sigh full of irritation.  Sam knew he was annoyed but when he looked at her, it was a look of chastising amusement.  "Fine," he said as he looked at Beau.  "Just no more runnin' around with letters."

"Thank you.  Come on, we'd better get goin'," said Beau.  The three walked out to their horses and saddled up.  "Follow me to Rhodes."  Beau, obviously impatient, urged the couple on.  "We'll go around the property and take the road to town."

They set off to a quick gallop as they traveled through the area.  "Easy, boy.  Calm down," Arthur said.

"I can't be calm!  If we don't get there in time, my true love may be shot."

"If she wants to rally, you got to let her rally."

Sam beamed at Arthur for his progressiveness.  "I agree.  You try to stop a woman from doing what she wants and it'll just turn into a fight."

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