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It had been a few days since Sam finally woke, coherent after the bear attack. She was even able to walk around a bit, although she still had a bit of pain. However, it didn't stop her from going out riding on occasion, much to Arthur's dismay. Sam wanted so much to hunt but with her shoulder, she couldn't pull a bow or shoot a rifle. People kept insisting she rest more but Sam assured them she was fine and on the mend. Arthur and her had even had a few fighting matches, arguing about the subject, and today was no different as he returned from doing a job for Mr. Strauss. When he saw where she was heading, he immediately got in her way.

"Miss Burke, you can't keep ridin' off. You're still injured," he said.

"Well I can't just keep sticking around here doing nothing. Besides, moving about helps with the healing," she argued.

"How do you figure?"

"It keeps the blood flowing to the area so that it can scab over. God, why are you so worried about me? I didn't die, you know."

"But you almost did!" he snapped.

Sam felt the urge to throw up her hands but she thought better against it lest she prove Arthur's point. "Mr. Morgan, look. It's not like I'm wanting to go out to hunt another bear or something. I'm just going out riding, that's it."

Their conversation was interrupted by Mr. Strauss. "How did you get on, Herr Morgan?" he asked Arthur.

Arthur sighed and turned towards the man, grasping he front of his gun belt. "Fine, our accounts are up to date. Sad sacks, the lot of 'em."

"Good, very good."

Sam wondered what kind of job Strauss had sent him on. "My pleasure," Arthur said.

Arthur was about to speak to Sam again when Strauss interjected once more. "Well, if it's pleasure you're after, there is one other. This farmer, preacher, fellow I met in Valentine. Mr. Downes."

"The opinionated little do-gooder? Yeah, I know the one. I certainly know the type."

"Thank you, Herr Morgan."

"There's no need to thank me. Like you said, it's pleasure I'm after."

"He's more slippery than he seems. I've tried being polite, don't take any nonsense."

Arthur scoffed. "Nonsense, me?"

"If he doesn't have the money, beat him."

Sam gasped and the men looked at her. "What?" Arthur said with a grunt.

"You beat up people who owe money?" Sam asked with a frown.

"Well, I," Arthur rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly looking shameful. "I usually do."

Sam felt her good opinion of Arthur shrink a little. And here she was, thinking Arthur Morgan was a kind and considerate man, even though he was an outlaw. Sam frowned at him and put her hands on her hips as Strauss walked away. "I...well, Mr. Morgan, I suppose I better leave you so you can go beat some helpless and sick man."

Sam turned on her heel and started walking away but she felt Arthur follow her. "Now don't tell me you're mad because I go and collect debts!"

"No, I'm mad that you beat people for money."

Arthur turned her around a little more harshly than she liked and she winced from the pain. Arthur's expression, which was hard before, now softened. "Sorry, didn't mean to hurt you. But you do realize I kill people for money too, right? I steal, I kill, I cheat. How is this any different?"

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