Dewberry Creek

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For the next week, Sam was absolutely miserable.  Luckily, to take her mind of things, Hosea had given her a map of where to hunt for the most legendary of game and so she spent a whole week away from camp just hunting and bringing her pelts to a special trapper that Mr. Pearson had mentioned.  The man had been grateful for all her findings, although his opinion on a female hunter at first hadn't complimented her.  However, to Sam's surprise, the trapper had gained much respect for her.  Every time she brought him a pelt, he was more than happy to make something of it into clothing of some kind.  She even brought him regular animal hides to accommodate.  But after the week was out, Sam decided she needed to return to camp.  Despite her initial decision of breaking things off with Arthur, she'd decided being without him was a bit more painful, so as she made her way back to Horseshoe Overlook, Sam came to the conclusion that she'd apologize and ask for Arthur's forgiveness.

As she rolled into camp, Sam was met with shocked stares and happy greets.  Hosea, especially. 

"You're back," he said to her as she walked up to him.  "We were thinkin' you were gone for good."

Sam shook her head.  "Not just yet, Hosea.  I...just needed some time away to think about things."  She looked around, hoping to spot Arthur.  "I need to talk to Arthur.  Is he here?"

"No.  He um...well..."

Sam noticed the older man's apprehension.  "Is he okay?"

"Yes, he's fine.  But he went to go see Mary, I'm afraid."

Sam made a confused face.  "Who's Mary?"

"His former fianceé."

Sam's heart sunk and she lowered her gaze.  "Oh.  I see.  Well...I didn't know he was engaged at one point."

Hosea took Sam's hand and sighed.  "I don't think he went to go patch things up with her, if that's what you're worried about.  That boat has sailed and, well, he likes you too much."

Sam sighed and smiled sadly at Hosea.  "Leave it to me to drive a man into another woman's arms, Hosea.  It's what I do best."

Hosea blinked in confusion.  "What do you mean?"

Sam waved him off.  "Just...nevermind."

She went to walk away but Hosea kept up with her.  "If you don't mind me askin', what happened with you two?"

"I realized that if I'm to leave, it'll just make it harder if he and I are attached."

"Then don't leave."

Sam twitched the corner of her mouth up, feeling indecisive.  "But...I...this world is too dangerous for someone like me."

"Oh to hell with that.  I've seen you handle yourself just fine.  You know what I think?"

"What's that?"

"I think you'd make a great outlaw."

Sam laughed and shook her head.  "Well, I appreciate the compliment, Hosea, but I'm not one to break the law."

"Why not?"

Sam stopped walking.  That was a rather odd question.  She searched Hosea's face for answers but found none.  "Well,'s wrong?"

"Says who?  The government?  Sam, we're not bad people and I think you know that."

"Yes, but killing and robbing people?  I...I just can't do it."

"What about conning people?  Would you have a problem with that?"

Sam knew Hosea was a very proficient conman.  One of the best, she'd heard from both Arthur and Dutch.  "I don't know.  I've never done it before."

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