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Over the next week, Sam devoted a big portion of her time helping the Po Taata get rid of the remaining Drekoni on the island.  Most had scattered to the winds but were found easily.  Arthur and Hosea healed up nicely and were able to go back to their normal routines.  The girls Scarlet and Tiffany spent a lot of their time with the new tea set, training Clarice and Conan to participate. 

When the last of the Drekoni had been taken care of, Sam returned to work with Clarice.  The regulars and the other staff had missed them both.  Sam had missed them all too, and she could tell Clarice was happy to be back.  She could get all the free fruit her little heart desired.

One day, a week after the last of the Drekoni were gone, Sam was surprised to find Metua coming up to the bar. 

"Hey there, Mr. Amo," she said.  "What can I get you?"

"Long Island Iced Tea, please," he replied as he sat down on a stool.  Sam nodded and got to fixing up his drink while Clarice was perched on Sam's shoulder as per usual.  Clarice had a strawberry in her hand and was nibbling away on it.  "Is Clarice a good worker?" Metua joked.

Sam laughed a bit.  "Naw, she's just eye candy."

"Eye candy?" Metua asked, raising a brow.

"She's just here to look pretty and charm the guests."


Sam handed Metua his drink and he took a long sip.  She crossed her arms and leaned them on the counter.  "So, what brings you here?"

Metua took another sip.  "I came to share a few words with Clint...and to finally call in that favor."

Uh oh.  Sam's eye twitched and she stood up straight.  She really hoped he wasn't going to make her do something nefarious or dangerous. 

"What is it?"

Metua smiled sheepishly.  "I would like it if I could...take Miss Jones out tonight, and I was thinking you could help with that."

Sam had to stifle a laugh.  Was Metua Amo too shy to ask Karen himself?  Holy crap.  A confident, successful business owner/gang leader was being shy about asking a girl out.  Oh, this was good.  No wonder he'd taken it upon himself to visit the farm so often.  It was to see Karen. 

"You need my help asking Karen out?"

"...Asking her out?"

Sam rolled her eyes.  Even after being in this time period for eight years, she still talked in a way that confused people.  It was amusing, really. 

"You need my help getting involved with Karen?"

"...Yes," Metua said with hesitation before drinking more of his iced tea.  "That's the favor I'm calling in."

Sam scoffed and put a hand on her hip while Clarice chirped and bounced onto the counter.  "That's it?"

"That's it."

"Hmm, well...I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you, Mrs. Morgan."

"You're welcome."

It was at this point that Clint came over.  "Hey there, Metua.  What's shakin'?"

Metua chuckled and shook his head.  "You both have funny ways of speaking."

Clint and Sam eyed each other knowingly.  "I guess it's like having our own language," she commented.

Metua took a few more sips of his drink.  "Hmm, I see.  Clint, may I speak with you?"

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