Stay With Me

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Arthur was pacing back and forth just outside Sam's tent. He was now extremely worried for his woman. Bill had returned about twenty minutes ago and told him what happened, but Charles and Sam weren't back yet. He had half a mind to go out and look for them both, but logically, he knew Sam was in good hands. He trusted Charles to keep Sam safe. Hosea walked up to Arthur with a chuckle and pat his shoulder.

"You okay there, Arthur? You keep walking around like this, you'll only have dirt left under your feet," Hosea joked.

Arthur stopped pacing and gave Hosea a serious look. "I'm waitin' for Sam to get back with Charles. They were on a robbery with Bill and it went wrong. Killed a lot of Cornwall's men."

Hosea arched one of his eyebrows. "Sam went on a robbery?"

"Yeah, I'm just as shocked as you are."

Hosea laughed. "That girl really does like the danger and excitement of bein' an outlaw. We really should convince her to stay."

Arthur nodded in agreement. "I'm gonna keep tryin'. No way am I lettin' this one go without a fight."

Hosea laughed and shook Arthur gently. "Atta boy!"

Arthur heard horse hooves pounding into the earth and he and Hosea went walking towards the trail. The moon was bright enough for Arthur to see Sam and Charles heading in. Arthur went straight for her as Charles climbed out of the saddle. Sam wobbled out of hers and Arthur immediately became worried all over again. His pace increased and when he finally reached her, Arthur looked her over. Her neck was discolored.

"Charles, what happened to her neck?" Arthur asked.

"One of Cornwall's men strangled her. Sam killed him with a rock, though," Charles replied, looking proud. "Try not to make her talk too much, her voice is hoarse."

Arthur frowned as he stroked Sam's face. She gave him a reassuring smile and pressed her lips to his. "I'll be fine," she croaked.

Her voice did sound pretty bad. "Hosea, can you go see if Miss Grimshaw's got some medicine or somethin' we can use for Sam's throat?"

Hosea agreed and went walking off to go find Miss Grimshaw. Arthur escorted Sam over to one of the fires where Uncle, Sean, and Bill were sitting. By the fire, Arthur could see the deep bruising all over Sam's neck. The other men by the fire came to see her as she sat down with Arthur on a log.

"How is she?" Uncle asked, grimacing from the sight of her neck.

Sam grasped her throat and shook a finger at Uncle with a devious grin. "When I'm better, I'm gonna turn your bones into a musical instrument." Her voice came put raspy; raw, but still held the sound of a strong threat.

Sean giggled hysterically. "I love the way you threaten people, Sam."

Charles let out an amused chuckle. "She was a bit more descriptive earlier. She said something like...ripping out all of Uncle's bones to make them into a xylophone, I think."

The men started laughing and Sam did too, but then she winced and palmed her throat. "Something like that," she spoke hoarsely.

Arthur wrapped an arm around her shoulders as Miss Grimshaw came walking up with a tiny bottle in her hand. Susan took one look at Sam's neck and frowned.

"Oh, you poor girl. Here, drink this," Miss Grimshaw spoke, holding out the bottle. "It'll taste awful but it'll help open your throat up."

Sam took it and nodded before taking the cork off and bringing the rim to her lips. She swallowed it all and scrunched up her face, hacking and coughing while handing the small glass bottle back to Grimshaw. "Thank you."

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