The Traitor

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Sam was having difficulty riding her horse Orion, but she managed as she, Dutch, Charles, and Arthur were on their way back to camp with the money as well as Cleet and Joe.  Those two were tied up on the back of Charles' and Arthur's horses.  Occasionally, Sam would comment on them being in such a position.  As they journeyed through Ambarino, Sam noticed how ornery Arthur was.  He probably didn't like being shown up and threatened by a woman, or told what to do.  Sam trotted up to him but then realized she needed to slow back down.  Trotting hurt like a son of a bitch right now.  Arthur looked back at her with a grim expression.

"You alright?" he asked.

"I'm good," she replied, not wanting him to know how much pain she was in.  He'd probably chastise her and tell her it was a mistake that she came along, and deep down, Sam knew that.  However, her will to deal with Micah was stronger than her pain.  Arthur kept looking at her, a not-so-convinced look on his face.  "I'm fine, really."

He still didn't look convinced, but he turned his head to look forward anyway with a shake of his head.  As soon as Arthur did that, Sam grimaced from the pain she was feeling in her side.  Arthur looked back at her again.

"Dutch, why don't we take a little break?" Arthur said.  "I think Sam needs one."

"I said I was fine, Arthur!" she snapped.

Dutch looked her over.  "Hmm.  I could use a break, too.  Let's head off the main road here," he said.

The four of them turned off the road and went up a hill which Sam hated because it hurt even more, but she managed to do it.  Once at the top, Sam slowly dismounted, biting her tongue to prevent herself from crying out.  The pain was horrible so she was glad for the break.  Charles and Arthur got a fire going while Sam gazed at the beauty around her.  Everything in nature looked so peaceful. 

"How you feelin', Sam?" Dutch asked as he approached.

Sam crossed her arms gently as she looked out at the horizon.  "I'm okay.  You?"

Dutch pulled out a cigar and lit it.  "I'm...well, I feel awful."

Sam looked at him strangely.  "Why?"

"Well, because I doubted you.  About the money."

Sam sighed.  "Don't feel bad.  I mean, according to you guys, Micah did a pretty good job of covering his tracks."

"Except for the blood we found."

"Right, except for that," Sam said with a chuckle.  " are you holding up?  About Micah's betrayal?"

Dutch puffed on his cigar.  "Honestly?  I don't know what to feel about it.  He can be a real pain in the ass sometimes, but this?  Heh...didn't see it comin'."

"Really?  Even though multiple people, including me, warned you about him?"

Dutch eyeballed her for a few moments before nodding his head.  "You're right.  I should've listened to you and the others.  I see that now."

Sam knew Dutch didn't like his sense of judgment being questioned, but in this case, he was obviously letting it slide.  He knew he fucked up, but Sam wasn't about to rub it in.  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"No no, you're right, Sam.  I didn't see because I didn't want to see it, I reckon.  And for that, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, not your fault."

"For what it's worth, Arthur never doubted you."  Dutch puffed on his cigar some more.  "I don't think I'll ever forget the way you talked to Arthur back there...threatenin' to kick his ass," he chuckled.

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