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Sam had everyone in a very good mood by the time she ended the story.  People had been laughing a good portion of the way through.  In doing so, Sam decided to go off hunting.  They were low on food.  Plus it would help take her mind off Arthur.  She missed him something awful.  She hunted some boar and brought back the meat for Pearson to cook for everyone.  She didn't have to bring back much on account of there not being too many people there.  Most of the gang was God knows where.  After eating, Charles informed her that he and Sadie were going to go scout for another place to stay and she highly approved of the idea. 

While she waited for their return, Sam told the group about a few more movies to keep their spirits up.  When Sadie and Charles returned, it was nightfall.  They'd found a place called Lakay that was to the east, just north of Saint Denis.  Sam didn't like the idea of being so close to Saint Denis but it was either that or being too close to Rhodes.  Deciding on taking a chance, she approved and they all set out on their way with the horses and wagons.  Sam, at one point, suggested she go back to Shady Belle and not only change the note but to see if any of the men's horses had wandered back in.  Abigail and Charles volunteered to go with her, as there would be a lot of horses to bring back. 

Once the group found Lakay and settled in, Sam, Charles and Abigail headed on out to Shady Belle together.  Abigail clung to the back of Sam like she was hanging on for dear life.

"It's a shame we can't bury Hosea and Lenny," Sam said as she drove along.

"I actually have a plan for that," Abigail mentioned.  "I think we can sneak them out."

Sam looked behind her.  "Really?  Well shit, count me in."

Abigail sighed.  "We should get a move on."

Sam agreed and got Orion to go from a trot to a fast gallop.  When they reached Shady Belle, sure enough, the boy's horses were all accounted for.  Blaylock, The Count, Old Boy, Brown Jack, Boaz, Boadicea II, and Maggie.  Sam was grateful Silver Dollar was back in Lakay.    Seeing Maggie, though, almost broke Sam's heart.  After Sam wrote a new note for the boys to meet them in Lakay, still making the note very vague, Sam helped Abigail and Charles round up the horses.  They left post haste, and quickly. 

They made it back to Lakay in one piece and Sam was relieved.  However, she was exhausted.  Still, she wanted to hear about Abigail's plan to get Lenny and Hosea's bodies.

"Well, I say we do it at night.  They'll be on carts outside the police station.  That's where they keep the bounty bodies," Abigail said.

Sam was impressed.  "And you know this because?"

"Arthur told me.  He's done a few bounties."

The mention of her husband brought a sad smile to her face.  "Alright.  Let's go tonight.  We'll grab them and find a good spot to bury them both."

"I say somewhere in Bluewater Marsh," Charles piped in. 

Sam nodded.  "Agreed.  You want to join us for this, Charles?  We could use an extra hand."

"Of course."

The three set up a plan to get the boys out.  Abigail was going to distract the police while Charles and Sam would sneak into the back and grab the bodies.  Seemed like a sound enough plan.  By nightfall, Sam, Charles and Abigail set out on their horses. 

"So, Abigail, you sure you got this?" Sam asked.

"I do.  I'm good for distractions," Abigail replied.

Sam sucked in air and jerked her head.  "I hope you're right."

Charles rode up beside Sam.  "She'll be fine.  We'll be quick.  And you'll be able to carry a body with ease, I'm sure.  I seen the way you been bringin' us deer.  You've gotten a lot stronger these past couple of months.  In more ways than one."

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