The Gown

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This chapter is rated M for sexual content.

Bill, Hosea, Dutch and Arthur were all in a carriage drinking champagne. They were on their way to the garden party in their tuxedos. Arthur had his hair cut short and pomaded, and he was extra clean shaven. The mood was somber inside, although Dutch and Hosea did their best to try and cheer Arthur up. Even Bill took a few shots at it, but with no success.

"Oh come on, Arthur," Bill said. "Stop bein' so gloomy."

Arthur sighed. "I'm sorry, fellers. I just..."

"We know," Dutch said. "But at least you get to see her in a pretty gown. Hopefully you'll get to spend time with her, too."

Arthur's hand turned into tight fists. "I don't need permission to spend time with my wife. Er, woman."

Bill, Hosea and Dutch looked at each other. "You're gettin' quite accustomed to callin' her that, ain't ya..." Hosea remarked.

"I suppose."

Dutch pat Arthur's knee a few times. "Perhaps when we get her back, you should make her an honest woman."

Arthur blinked madly at him. "What? Why?"

"Oh come on, you know you're gonna ask her eventually. Might as well get the ball rollin'."

Arthur felt his cheeks heat up. He had to be blushing. "But it's too soon to be thinkin' about stuff like that. And...and...what if she says no?"

"Alright, look here, Morgan," Bill started. "Do you love her?"


"Does she love you?"


"Then ask her!" all three of the men almost yelled.

"I don't even got a ring!"

"Then get one!" Hosea barked. "I'm sure there's plenty of jewelry stores here in town."

Arthur rubbed his face. "Jesus Christ..."

"Now now, Arthur. She'd make a perfect wife for you and you know it. Better than that Mary ever could."

Arthur looked at Hosea in shock. He then glanced at the other two men and sighed. "Why are you fellers doin' this? Can we just focus on what we're doin' at the party, please?"

"No. Not until you say you're gonna propose to Sam," Dutch said with a laugh.

Arthur rolled his eyes and leaned back, taking a long drink of his champagne. "For chrissakes..."

"Alright, let's leave the boy alone," Hosea said. "Now, as for this ball, there could be fine pickins."

"Oh, no no no no. No pickpocketin'," Dutch said. "We are here to make real contacts."

"What kind of contacts?" Arthur asked Dutch.

"Well, I dunno. We'll find what we can. All I know for sure is we are goin' to a party at the mayor's house and the guest of honor is the worst crook in town. I'm sure that we will find something."

The men all clinked their glasses and took a drink of champagne as the carriage stopped in front of the mayor's house. They all got out and Dutch gave the invitation to the man that greeted them.

"I'm afraid the mayor does not allow guns at official functions...after last year's incident," the man said. Arthur sighed as all the men relieved themselves of their firearms. "Luca here will take you to Mr. Bronte. I believe he is expecting you."

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