Shady Belle

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"So, it's official now, huh?  You stayin' with us?"  Lenny asked Sam.

Sam rolled her eyes and nodded.  "Yes, I am.  Now let's go steal some guns, dude."

Lenny laughed.  "What's a dude?"

"It's a Minnesota thing."

Lenny got up and started following Sam.  "Yeah, but what does it mean?"

"Dude just means pal or buddy."


Sam walked by Arthur, who was still sitting at the table with some of the camp members and kissed him.  "You ready, babe?"

Arthur smiled at her.  "Yes."

Karen cackled at them both.  "Look at you two love birds, just kissin' away..."

Sam blushed a little.  "Is that bad?"

"No.  I just ain't used to seein' Arthur bein' affectionate with someone."

"I think it's romantic," Mary-Beth said.

"You would."

Javier laughed whole heartedly.  "I think it's about time Arthur had someone."

Sam watched Arthur narrow his eyebrows.  "I'm right here, you know."

Sam snickered and rested an arm on Arthur's shoulder, pivoting her hips to lean just a bit forward.  "Yes.  He's right here."

"I didn't mean anythin' by it, Arthur," Javier said, holding up his palms.  "Nothin' bad, at least."

Arthur got up and put an arm around Sam's waist.  "Alright, well, just so long as I have your approval, Javier..." Arthur chuckled.

Sam let out a snort and shoved Arthur a little.  "Okay, okay, let's go before you get grouchy."

"I'm not gettin' grouchy," Arthur said.

"I know.  I said "before" you get grouchy." 

Sam sighed and started walking to the horses with Lenny and Arthur.  They saddled up their mounts and climbed on before trailing out of camp.

"So, how do you know they're Lemoyne Raiders?" Arthur asked.

"Sounds like them.  Gun dealers, been selling to Cuba and South America for quite some time, according to Lenny's information.  As far as I know, there's only one gang that operates around here."

Arthur looked at Sam with pride.  "You catch on quick."

Sam winked at him.  "I know."

Lenny looked between the two.  "You've dealt with these crazies before?"

Arthur cackled.  "Yes.  Some of them harangued me and Sadie when we were comin' back with supplies, and also when we shot up that moonshine distillery.  Then Sam and Hosea had that shoot out in the Rhodes saloon while givin' the stuff away for free.  That was the Raiders, too."

"We won't find any shortage of angry peckerwood idiots in the state of Lemoyne, that's for sure," Lenny explained. 

"Peckerwood idiots?"

Sam interjected.  "These guys act like the Civil war is still going on, Arthur.  Bunch of racist bastards."

"It really that different in this state?" Arthur asked.  "We haven't come far."

"It seems like it is," Lenny said.

"These boys got a manner about 'em...but I haven't necessarily noticed."

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