Dare #66

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*Winter looks at next dare*

Winter: ...

*Suddenly, Qibli walks in*

Qibli: Hey, Winter--

*Out of nowhere, Winter walks up to him and kisses him on the mouth*

Qibli: *pulls back* Whoa there! What was that for?

Winter: I was dared to make out with you after every few minutes.

Qibli: That wasn't even a minute, that was a second.

Winter: I just kissed you, and you're thinking about math?

Qibli: It's just common sense, how--

*Winter kisses him again*

Qibli: *blushes* Winter!

Winter: That felt like a couple of minutes.

Qibli: Warn me first before you do that!

Winter: *laughs* But it's fun seeing your reaction.

Qibli: Shut up!

Qibli: .....do it again.

*Winter looks at him surprised, then obliges and pressed his lips with the other, except this time, Qibli was kissing him back*

*Meanwhile, Kinkajou was watching the whole thing in secret*

Kinkajou: *takes picture* Lol, blackmail materiel.


*In Winter's room, Winter and Qibli were making out on the floor, until Winter pulled back*

Qibli: What's wrong?

Winter: ....Qibli, there's something I need to tell you.

Qibli: Proceed.

Winter: I-I like you!

Qibli: ...

Winter: Yes, I know these mushy crap is way out of my league, but I can't help but feel a fuzziness in my chest whenever you're around.

Qibli: ...

Winter: You were always there for me. You're my best friend, but I want more of you.

Qibli: ...

Winter: *sigh* Yes, I know the situation with you and Moon--

Moonwatcher: I'm cool with it!

Winter: What!? *turns*

*He then sees his winglet spying on them from the doorway*

Winter: Again!? Is it so hard to mind your fucking business?

Kinkajou: ...yeah.

Winter: Get the fuck out!

Jade Winglet: *reluctantly leaves*

Winter: *growls* Qibli, I'm sorry, this had not gone the way I wanted--

Qibli: No, it didn't *holds Winter's talon*

Winter: *blushes*

Qibli: It went perfectly *kisses Winter on the cheek* I...like you too, grumpy personality and all.

*Winter felt an overwhelm of emotions, and barely felt the wet streak going down his cheek*

Qibli: *gasp* Winter, don't cry!

Winter: I'm not crying! I'm sweating!

Qibli: Do IceWings sweat? And through their eyes?

Winter: Sh-- I mean...no.

*Concerned for him, Qibli leans onto Winter gently, and Winter is feeling a lot better now*

Kinkajou: Aww!

Winter: I told you to leave!

Kinkajou: NEVER!

Winter: Ask or Dare! (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now