Dare #113

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*Moon, Kinkajou, and Qibli are in a empty hall, wearing medieval clothing*

Qibli: Where is Winter? He--she said she'd be here earlier.

Moonwatcher: Let's not rush her, I'm sure she'll be here any minute now.

Winter: I'm here!

*Winter came in, and with her, was Chris tied to a chair*

Winter: He wouldn't stop running away, so I had to use brute force.

Kinkajou: I'm pretty sure this is illegal.

Winter: Anyway, Chris is here, who's gonna go first?

Kinkajou: I will!

Kinkajou: *clears throat* Chris belongs to me, you unworthy swine!

Winter: You have to take him from my cold dead talons, you uncouth rodent!

Moonwatcher: Not if I have anything to say about it, you treacherous harlots!

Qibli: Get ready, you...you...

Winter: ...You didn't read the fucking script, did you?

Qibli: I did!

Kinkajou: Qibli! After I folded it into a nice paper crown, and placed it on your bed with a mint?

Qibli: Well...I liked the mint.

Kinkajou: The mint was irrelevant!

Qibli: OK! Let's just skip the dialogue, and head straight to the fighting-- *gets shot by plastic arrow*

Qibli: Ow! Kinkajou, I wasn't ready!

Kinkajou: Tell me, did you even notice the paper crown?

Qibli: ...No.

Kinkajou: It took me hours to make!

Qibli: I'm sorry!

Kinkajou: Peace was never an option... *shoots arrows at top speed*

Qibli: NOOOOOOO! *collapses*

Moonwatcher: *gasp* Kinkajou, you killed Qibli!

Qibli: This wasn't part of the script!

Kinkajou: I know, Moon, and it pains me what I have to do next *aims arrow at Moon*

Moonwatcher: Oh...I guess this is it...but can I have one last request?

Kinkajou: What is it?

Moonwatcher: One last hug from my bestie.

Kinkajou: Very well

*she puts the arrow down, and walked up to Moon and hugged her. However, Kinkajou felt something wedged in her back, and she turned in horror, to see a rubber sword stabbing her.

Kinkajou: Why...?

Moonwatcher: Goodbye, Kinkajou...

Kinkajou: *dying sounds* *collapses*

Moonwatcher: *turns to Winter* Now--

Kinkajou: *more dying sounds*

Moonwatcher: ...Now--

Kinkajou: *even more dying sounds*

Moonwatcher: Are you done?

Kinkajou: Almost... *final dying sounds*

Kinkajou: ....now, I'm done.

Moonwatcher: OK. Now, it's just us, Winter--

*Winter hits her with a rubber sword*

Moonwatcher: Ow!

Winter: *shrugs* You were taking too long.

Moonwatcher: OK, that's it!

*The two fought in a sword battle, that conveniently happened to be in slow motion*

Moonwatcher: *slow-mo* Take...This!

Winter: *also slow-mo* Ow! You're...going..to pay..

Moonwatcher: Haha..not--

Winter: ...For...

Moonwatcher: ...

Winter: ..That...

Moonwatcher: Well--

Winter: You bitch.

Qibli: How are they doing that?

Kinkajou: Shut up, you're dead, remember?

Qibli: So are you.

Kinkajou: Nuh-uh, I'm reincarnated, now I'm a zombie.

Qibli: Not true.

Kinkajou: Really? *scoots closer to him, and chews his horns*

Qibli: Ahh! Stop that!

Kinkajou: Gimmie your brains.

Qibli: Nooooo!


Qibli: NOOOOO!

Chris: Can I be set free now?

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