Too briefly

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We received a notice of our lease being up soon. I want to know our intent to renew just as much as its dreaded yes/no boxes..
Instead of acknowledging the topic, Kats has been eyeing up this sweet lakefront property.. and I don't feel like I'm invited.
I've been so content with us just getting along as flatmates that I never manned up to tell him how I feel.
I can't lose him before I even..
In front of a mirror, a young red haired man wrestled to smoothen his hair with a brush.
Since UA, it's pretty much always been up - but at the risk of Katsuki threatening his resolve by calling him Shitty Hair, he decided to do something different for tonight.
Done with his knots, he thought, I'll follow through this time.


After uncharacteristically sleeping in and taking a longer than necessary shower, Katsuki stepped out into the living room and noticed his flatmate's door left open. Besides the bed, there's only really workout equipment in sight.
Above the doorway is a pull up bar. He does a few pull ups facing the kitchen and notices that there's a new message on the fridge message board.
  He swiped his water bottle off the kitchen island and leaned back against it to read:
  Table at 8 - New place downtown. Dress semi formal.
Katsuki side-eyed the note as he chugged a few gulps, then offered a grunt in acknowledgement. He set an alarm on his phone for 7 when a social app reminder popped up:

July Birthdays
7/1 Shinso ~ Wish him a happy birthday today!
7/15 Midoriya, Togata
7/28 Sero
7/30 Ashido

Tch. Why do I even let him download this crap to my phone?
He eyed the list again:
I haven't seen that nerd since..
A sudden light bulb went off as he remembered their last conversation. He headed to his closet and began digging for something.. the letter Izuku had asked him to wait to open.
Is a year long enough for you, Deku?
He was about to rip open the envelope when he stopped to criticize his urgency. Checking himself, he put the letter down and went to make lunch..
Yeah, food first. What's another twenty minutes?


You may now unfasten your seat belt and safely move about the cabin
Green eyes fluttered open. Somehow the symmetrically freckled young man managed to sleep through turbulence and a somewhat bumpy landing just to be startled awake by the gentle announcement.
Oh man! I meant to look over the city before landing! He leaned over into the window, scolding himself while wiping off drool.
He turned his phone on to let his ride know that he had landed.. just to see their name flash across the screen in perfect call timing.


It was good to hear his voice. I told him I'd pull the car up by arrivals but truth is I wanted to watch him a bit before he noticed me - not that I can necessarily blend in with my unusual color palette.
Shoto patted his bangs in thought before spotting the green bedhead. Ah, there he is. His face is puffy, he must've just woken up..
I caught up to him and noticed he was texting. He stopped to scratch at his nape - I couldn't get the right greeting out, panicked, and ditched the Welcome Home sign I realized too late that I was never going to show him.
  He began to lower his hand and by impulse I went for his wrist. It jerked right out, but for that moment its soft warmth and ragged scars made me flush.
"Wha- Shoto! I thought-?" Izuku whirled around, tired eyes suddenly alert.
"Sorry, I called out but you didn't hear me.." I managed, wincing as I lied.
"Hi! Sorry! Thank you for coming to get me!" He blurted all at once, bowing and hugging me briefly.
  Too briefly.


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