A Stand Off

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"You're the dude that was in my backyard! Get your fucking hand off me!"
I shove his hand off me and try to run, but he pulls me back by my collar of my shirt.
"Why are you wearing sunglasses, Destiny?"
I turn to face him.
"How do you know my name? And why the gell do you care? You were trying to rob me yesterday!"
"No I wasn't.  Now tell me why you're wearing sunglasses."
I try to shove him away but he has a strong grip on me. If he wasn't trying to rob me then what was he doing. What was he digging for?
"Why were you digging in my yard? Did you bury something."
He frowns at me.
"I didn't bury anything of importance. Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you."
I suddenly feel calm, relaxed. What? He takes his other hand and whips my sunglasses off. I close my eyes and turn my face but he grabs my face, softly, and forces me to look at him. I'm stunned, in shock. Why was that touch so nice. He frowns as he looks at my swollen eye. He runs his thumb under my eye and I wince.
"Stop touching me, fucking weirdo!"
He tugs me closer to him and looks me in the eyes.
"Stop trying to get away from me. I'm not leaving you and I won't hurt you. I'm here for a reason."
I look at him and feel anger rise in me.
"Let. Me. Go."
"Do you promise you wont run away?"
I tightly press my lips together and roll my eyes. What's the point in even trying to run, if he wanted to kill me he would've done it already. I feel calm again and grab his hand. He let's go.
"What do you mean you're here for a reason?"
He looks at me and smiles. I notice his black hair that falls in his face. He has his ears pierced all the way up with dangled earrings on his ear lobe. He's wearing a black leather jacket with a muscle black tee shirt and tight jeans with stompers. Is he goth or something?
"You won't believe me if I tell you, so I'll keep it to myself. But, just know I'm here to help you, not harm you."
I raise my eye brow and scoff.
"I don't need help from a burglar! Tell me what you meant, right now or I'm leaving.
"I cross my arms and stare at him. He's really attractive. Why am I thinking that, he's a creep!
"I'm your guardian angel, Destiny.  I was sent to help you and save you from a tragic future."
I laugh.
"You're right, I don't believe you."

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