She's Gone.

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"Hi, I didn't expect you to be home so soon. I'm making pi-"
"I'm not staying. I came to grab my things. Welcome to the real world. I'm tired of taking care of you and paying the bills for this place. You're not my daughter, therefore, not my responsiblity."
I look at my feet.
"Oh. Um. Okay."
I pray to god Jungkook doesn't come downstairs. I thank that you can't hear the shower.
She goes to her room and I here her rummaging. I'm happy she's leaving but scared. I don't really know how to take proper care of myself, and I've never been taught how to pay bills and do taxes. What am I going to do? Maybe Jimin will help me. He does have his own place after all.
She storms in and comes up to me and slaps me, hard. I fall to the ground, holding my cheek.
"I can't find my purse. Did you steal it?"
She smacks me again and I gasp, tears falling down my face.
"Answer me! And stop crying! Where's my shit!"
She starts punching me. She gets on top of me and I put my hands in front of my face trying to block some of her hits. She starts to choke me. This is the vision I had. I feel myself losing focus and see her smiling.
I hear someone run down the steps and her hands slip away from my neck. I gasp and cough sucking in air, putting my hand to my neck. I look up to see Jungkook towering over her as she cowers on the floor.
"Don't fucking touch her. You've done enough damage. If you come back, if you lay another finger on her, I will personally torture you myself. I'll make you wish you weren't alive."
She cowers and starts to cry.
"Please-please don't kill me! I'm leaving anyways! Just-just leave me alone!"
"Get out. Now."
She suddenly stands up and walks out the door with her keys. I hear her start her car and drive off. I'm still on the floor, heart pounding. What just happened? Why did that happen?
Jungkook runs to me and leans down to my level. He touches my face and runs his thumb against the cuts she made on my skin. I start to cry again. Bawling. I'm scared for the future, but I'm so relieved I won't ever see her again. Jungkook really saved me tonight.
I cry as he sits behind me and wraps his legs around me, holding me and rocking me back and forth.
"Shhhh. You're okay. She's never coming back. Believe me. You're safe now."
I shake and cry, feeling the weight on my shoulders lift up off me. After a few minutes I start calming down and wiping my tears away.
"I'm making pizza. I hope I didn't burn it."
Jungkook laughs.
"You're weird. Even after what just happened you some how keep a light tone."
I wipe my eyes and smile.
"Yeah. I've always been like that."
I wince as I brush a bruise that's forming on my face.
"I got that."
Jungkook grabs my face and kisses my cheek. I feel butterflies. What is he doing?
"Close your eyes."
I do as I'm told and he kisses my eyelids.
I open my eyes and I touch my face, I don't have the cuts or bumps anymore.
"Thank you. That's really cool! I thought you were gunna touch my face and a bright light would flash or something."
He laughs and throws his head back.
"Its not like the movies."
It hits me that he's shirtless. Oof. His tan skin and muscled pecks and stomach shines under the kitchen lights. He looks like a god. He smiles and he unwraps his legs and stands up, helping me up.
I go to the oven to check the pizza and then put on the gloves and take it out.
"It's not burnt! Dinner is ready!"

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