We Need To Talk

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I texted Jimin and he told me an address to go to. We reached there and as soon as I saw Zad I rushes over to grab him, scared shitless. Jungkook kisses Zad and then walks over to Jimin, whispering something in his ear. Jimin shakes his head yes.
They walk out of the room I'm in and into some other room, but I don't care. I coo with Zad, realizing that he's probably hungry. I breast feed him, wanting to cry after what happened earlier.
I have special powers? What... does this mean I'm stronger than Cane? Does this mean I can kill angels? What's going to happen, and most importantly, is Zad really a Nephilim? Will he have powers too?
All these questions run through my mind, me spacing out. I realize the drive here was pretty long, and we were in the middle of no where, trees everywhere. I never even knew this place existed.
Jimin and Jungkook walk out, not looking at me, only watching the ground. They walk towards me and sit opposite sides of me of the couch. Thank god I was done breast feeding Zad.
"Baby, we need to talk."
I look at Jungkook, feeling anxiety and nervousness rush through my mind and body. I nod and hesitate to hand Zad to Jimin. I sigh and place Zad in his arms, Jimin jumping him up and down and cooing at him.
Jungkook leads me to the room they were in, and I walk in. The room is... a baby room? There's a crib and a changing table with toys and such at every corner. What the fuck?
We stand in the middle of the room staring at each other. Jungkook grabs my hands and kisses them, looking at me again.
"Destiny. I'm pretty certain you have more powers than we expected. If you could hurt Cane and break bones as if it was so easy, then that means you can probably kill angels as well."
I gulp. I'm not sure how to take in this information.
"Um. Where are we? And why are we in... a baby room?"
He smiles sheepishly and squeezes my hands a bit.
"Jimin and I decided to have a secret hide out, expecting that Cane would come after us. We have everything we need here, it's just like home. There's a room for us too, and the house has many spells on it, and there are other angels around the house that will always be around to tell if we're in danger. They have houses around us so they can be on guard twenty four seven. It's safe here."
I look around, shocked by how prepared they were and how much security is around us.
"Um... alright. Well. So, we're living here from now on?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.
"Yes, but, we can still go out, the angels will follow us around, or be around us. They'll keep an eye out. We can get groceries, go to restaurants, we can still go on our little dates, it'll just be... different. But, we can't go back to work, Cane knew where we worked."
I nods looking at our hands clasped together.
"Alright. I guess I can roll with this. Will Tae and Suga be able to come over? Jimin too?"
"Actually, they live around us too. They wanted to be closer and Jimin persuaded them to get a house around here."
I laugh at that.
"Alright. Um. Well. What are we going to do about... my powers?"
I naw at my bottom lip.
"Well. We'll have to train some more, see if you can do other things. That's all we really can do right now."
I nod again, feeling at ease now. Jungkook lifts my head to with his thumb and index finger, making eye contact with me.
"It'll be okay, baby, I promise. Pinky promise even."
He kisses me, tenderly.

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