No Touching.

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"Um... did I make you mad? I thought you'd be okay with it... I guess..."
I look down at my feet. Jungkook steps closer to me and puts his hand onto the bottom of my face, slightly raising my face so I look at him. He looks into my eyes, searching me. He has this look, I can't really explain it. He looks pissed but also, he looks like he's enjoying this.
"I'm not mad. I'm impressed."
He squeezes my cheeks so I make a fishy face. He let's go and traces his fingers down my neck to the top button of my shirt. He unbuttons it with one hand, and goes to the next button. I stand there, trying to steady my heartbeat. He stops at the fourth button below my bra and looks at me, smirking. I get it now.
I step up to him and he slightly pushes me back.
"You can't touch me."
I look at him, shocked.
He grabs my hips and pushes me up against the wall.
"Because, I said so. You like to touch me, but this is part of your punishment. Don't touch me or there will be consequences."
My hands are at my side, gripping my skirt so I don't reach out to touch him. This isn't fair! I didn't even do that much to him! He unbuttoned the rest of my shirt and slides it off me, it landing at my feet. At look at my shirt. Bye then. I look at him, my hands in fists. He traces the middle if my chest to the middle of my waist. He tugs the waist band of my skirt lightly and looks at me.
I roll my eyes and try to keep my hands to myself, but damn is it hard. I reach out to unbutton his shirt and he grabs my hand and puts it to my side.
"What did I say?"
I blush and look down at my feet. Can he just stop being such a tease? It's driving me insane! He grabs my face again so I look at him and he kisses me, lightly, but bites my lip.
He let's go of my face and moves me to the couch, laying me down. He makes me so mad! He keeps messing around with my waistband, but never doing anything about it. He bites me like last night and puts his hand on my thigh, squeezing.
I've tried to touch him multiple times, but when I get close to it he looks at me with his demanding face and I cower back.
"The more you try to touch me or touch me, I add on five more minutes to this little teasing session."
"What? Are you serious? I touch your thigh! It didn't even last five minutes!"
He grabs my hands and keeps them down by my side.
"You don't realize how crazy your touch makes me, do you? One touch and I want to make your day worth while. This is my way of payback. I know one measly touch of your inner thigh won't stop you from teasing me, but I know you hate not touching me and hate for me to be slow."
"Unfair. What makes you think I'll stop teasing you?"
"I don't think you'll truly stop, but you might second guess from now on."
He moves in for a kiss and goes to nibble the top of my ear. He makes me so mad! He knows exactly what gets to me but I barely know what gets to him, besides me touching him.
"Walk up to your room. I'll be in there in a minute."
I sit up and look at him. What's he about to do? I slowly make my way up the stairs, covering my chest. I make my way into my bedroom and sit on the bed. I want to change. I quietly make my way over to the closet and fish out one of his baggy shirts. I put it on and sit back down. What's going to happen now?

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