Lets Have Some Fun!

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"Have you ever gone to a club?"
Jungkook shakes his head.
"No. Why?"
I giggle.
"I know a really good club that is really cool. You wanna go?"
He starts to protest but I beg him, giving him my puppy eyes.
"Please. You need to experience new things."
"Fine fine. But I'm not dressing up."
I agree that that's fine and ask the group if they want to go.
"You should go, get to know him more. We can come over tomorrow if you want." Says Suga.
"I'd like that! See you guys tomorrow!"
"Okay, I'm going to get ready. And, I might have gotten you an outfit because I knew I'd ask you to go... it'll look good I promise!"
"Oh boy."
I finished getting ready. I picked out Jungkooks outfit and tried to match the color with him. It's black, of course. It's a silk black button up shirt and some black pants, dress up pants but not, if that makes since. I got him some nice black shoes. It suits him. I chose to put on my high waisted black jeans with a shirt that criss crosses in the back and ties in the back and my black heel boots. I put on dangling earrings and changed my septum piercing to a pretty ring with spikes at the ends of the ring. I put on a choker and some rings on.
I grab the clothes for Jungkook and head downstairs. He's leaning against the kitchen counter drinking water. I walk in and he gives me a little wave.
"Thanks. Here."
I hand him his outfit with the shoes on top.
"Go change, hurry, I wanna see what it looks like!"
I rush him to the stairs and he goes upstairs to the bathroom. I take a selfie and send to the group chat.
"You look pretty cute, don't get crazy tonight." Says Jimin.
"You're just jealous." I type back.
I go to the kitchen to find something to snack on before I go so I don't get hungry afterwards. I grab a bag of veggie straws and open them. I walk into the dining room and look out the big window.
I remember the day he came into the backyard. The first thing I thought of was he was good looking. And it's still true. I'm not really sure what my feelings are towards him. I like him, but he's also a literal fallen angel. Why would he like a human? I'm plain.
What if he does like me though? What happens then?
I think as I eat the straws and look out the window. I hear Jungkook walk in and turn to look at him. Oh. My. God. Damn. I open my mouth a bit and close it.
"Does it not look good?"
"Actually, the opposite. A total babe. Have some veggie straws before we go."
He walks towards me and grabs a few of the straws. His hair looks so fluffy, solid black, kind of long, but it really suits him. It's curly today. I wish I was as pretty as him.
I notice his sleeves are rolled up a but and the top buttons are undone.
"You're practically undressing me with your eyes."
I look at him, shocked and blush.
"My bad. Um. Are you ready to go?"
I put the bag back into the cabinet and look at him. Now HE'S undressing me with his eyes.
"Hey, hypocrite. You can't get on to me for checking you out when you do it to me!"
He laughs and we head out to go to the club.

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