Fair Square.

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He walks in with some type if lacy clothing. What? When did he have the time to go out? Please tell me he won't force me to wear it. I scoff as he walks in.
"When did you get that?" I ask.
"Stand up. You changed? Did I tell you to change?"
I stand up and walk over to him.
"You're not the boss of me, Kookie."
"I am for today."
He tells me to take the shirt off so I do as I'm told. The lace he had in his hands were a lace little shirt and boy shorts. It's kind of a night gown, something to sleep in, but sexy. It's pretty, and I know it'll show off my curves. I'm excited to try them on!
I try to grab them but he pulls his arm away.
"Nope. You're not putting them on. I'm putting them on for you."
Sbfisbrkwuf. No!
"No you're not. No. Wrong. Incorrect."
I shake my head as he pushes me a little towards the bed. He place his baggy shirt on the bed and places the boy shorts on top. I try to cover my chest, laughing at myself. He's already seen me naked, what's the fucking point? I just don't like him feeling as if he owns me. I'm not an object.
He takes the lace shirt and motions me towards him.
"You're not gunna make me take off my bra and underwear, are you? That's embarrassing."
He smirks.
"No, not today at least. I'll give you some small comfort for now. Put your arms up."
I roll my eyes and raise my arms up. He pulls my shirt over my arms and head and pulls it down a bit, brushing my skin with his hand. He grabs the shorts and tells me to sit on the bed. He puts my feet in the holes and pulls the shorts up to my knees, then asks me to get up. I stand up as he pulls them up, slowly, to my waist, his hand slightly caressing my thighs as he places the shorts on correctly.
This is insane. This is torture.
"Are you done? You have me in lace, you even put it on me. We good?"
I try to sit back on the bed but he grabs me by the hips and and pulls me into him.
"No. No we aren't. "
I try to reach up to his neck but he grabs my arms and pins me to the bed. If I can't use my hands, I'll use my legs. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him down, closer to me. He laughs.
"Smart. It's still touching, though."
He tells me to let go but I protest. He takes his hands and pulls my legs off him and sets them opposite sides of him as he comes back down to me, hands intertwined with mine.
He just stares at me, not moving, not doing anything and it bugs me.
"You're not very fair. At least do something!"
"Not having you touch me is a punishment for me as well, so it is fair."
He plays with the bottom part of the lace shirt and then the top of the boy shorts, tracing his finger under the waist band.
"Okay, I can't take it anymore! Either you let me touch you or you get off and sleep down stairs!"
He sighs. I sit up and grab the back of his neck, pulling him onto me. He doesn't protest, which means I win. I reach down, clawing his chest and stomach, reaching for his belt buckle. I unhook it and he smiles. What have I just unleashed?

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