A Single Call

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I try to scream but nothing comes out, I try to kick behind me but my feet aren't touching the ground. The arms that are wrapped around me are tight but are making sure they aren't around my belly. Is it....
He let's go of me and quietly closes the door and locks it, sweat glistening off of him. He's panting and turns to me, anger written on his face.
"I told you to stay in here, Destiny. What if you got hurt?"
He doesn't yell, only growls lowly, and I look down at my feet, the knife still in my hands, but shaking.
"I didn't know where you were. I was getting worried."
I feel tears spring to my eyes and wonder if Jungkook found the source behind the loud sounds. He pulls me into a hug and holds me tightly to him, kissing the top of my head and rubbing the sides of my arms and then my back.
"I couldn't find anyone. I'm not sure what the loud noise was, but it definitely wasn't inside the house."
I sigh out of relief, hugging him close to me, careful not to hurt my belly. I place my hand on my belly and rub in a circular motion, trying to calm myself down.
"But, just to be safe, I'm calling Jimin over to sweep the outside of the house. We have to stay in here until he gives the cost is clear."
I nod and Jungkook reaches in his back pocket of his sweatpants to pull out my phone. He must of grabbed it when he was downstairs. He finds Jimins contact and calls, Jimin on the other end right away.
I can't hear what Jimin is saying, but Jungkook tells him about the loud noises and how it's nothing from inside. He asks if Jimin can sweep the outside and tell us if it's alright, and then he says bye.
"Was that a yes?" I ask, grabbing my phone out of Jungkooks hands and throwing it on the bed.
"Yes. He said he'll call once he's finished."
I sigh and lay down on the bed, holding my belly as if it was going to fall off. I feel myself shaking still, adrenaline coursing through my veins. Jungkook notices me shaking and comes over to me, lays beside me and places his arms around me to pull me closer to his bare skin. I move on my side, which I'm not really supposed to do, and move into him, feeling his heat against my back. I pull the blanket over our feet and sigh  trying to calm down a bit.
I calm down but I can't sleep, in fear of hearing more loud noises and still waiting for Jimins call. Jungkook has been playing with my hair and giving me soft kisses on my neck and cheek, reassuring me that everything is okay. He moved his hand down to my belly and keeps his hand there, feeling our son kick against his hand.
I close my eyes and doze off, but I feel my phone start to vibrate against my foot and sit up, quickly grabbing for it. I answer the call.
"It's all clear, but you guys need to come out here, now."
I gulp, and Jungkook nods, both of us getting up and walking out of the bedroom downstairs to find out what Jimim is talking about.

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