A Big Surprise

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It took me a few more days till I could actually go and get some pregnancy tests, because I really didn't feel the need too, but the more I threw up each day and the smells of certain things made me want to vomit, the more I knew I needed to make sure.
I close the bathroom door behind me and read the instructions of the two boxes, I got two to make sure it's correct. I do what I'm told and now I wait for five minutes.
I rub my hands together and look at myself in the mirror. I feel anxious, scared. What if... what if it's positive? I'm not ready to have a kid. I'm too young. I just... I'm really scared. What if Jungkook doesn't like that I'd be pregnant? What if he leaves? What the hell will we do? Would it make me in even more danger?
I sigh and wipe my eyes with the back of my hand, looking at my phone for the time. One minute left. I sit on the edge of the bath tub with my knees place on my legs and hands under my face. Jungkook doesn't know I'm doing this, and frankly, I don't want him to. I don't want him to freak out or worry even more, I mean come on, they are for sure going to be negative.
I swallow down my fear and close my eyes. I check my phone and the five minutes are up. I place my phone on the top of the toilet seat and wipe my hands on my legs. Okay. It's okay. You're okay.
I grab the sticks and look up at the mirror, closing my eyes and feeling my heart hammering in my ears and my stomach wanting to drop to my feet. I look down and turn over the first stick to find out what it says. Two lines. Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit! Okay, okay maybe it's just wrong, maybe the other one has just one line.
I swallow, feeling hope fill my chest. I turn the second stick over and feel my heart drop. Two lines. Fuck! I forget how to breathe. My eyes blur as tears fall down my face. I clutch the stick in my hand and place my other hand over my mouth, trying not to cry so loud.
What the fuck am I going to do? How am I going to tell Jungkook?

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