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I close my eyes before I walk out of the small hallway, afraid to open them. I sigh and open, my flashlight scanning over a small TV and carpet that... looks soaked with something. Oh please tell me it isn't what I think it is.
I see out of the corner of my eye something, someone, on the bed, in an ungodly position. I gulp, squeezing my eyes shut again before turning to face the bed. I keep the flashlight at my feet, afraid to see what's on the bed. I open my eyes, only seeing an outline of a figure. Their arms are chained, the chains bolted to the wall, that much is clear, but the fucking smell, god it's so overwhelming.
I let my flashlight fall over the bed, slowly moving upwards. What I see is... very fucking disturbing. Their feet are tied to the bed, and their legs are covered with dried blood and flies are swarming over this person. I assume it's a man since his legs are hairy, and I gulp, wanting to cry.
I move my flashlight towards to see that this guys stomach is cut open. His intestines and organs are spilled all over the bed, and his genitals are cut off as well. Oh my fucking god. I put my arm over my face, feeling the tears prickle my eyes and my nose stinging. This poor guy, jesus christ. How did Tae not fucking notice any of this?
My flashlight reaches the face of the guy, and my heart stops. His face... its Tae. Its Taes face! His mouth is open, some of his teeth missing and his tongue clearly cut out of his mouth. His eyes are wide open, flies picking at his dead skin.
I drop to the floor, the world collapsing around me. That bitch fucking killed him. No!
"Tae! No, Tae!"
I scream, my body shaking from the harsh sobs escaping me. My phone lands onto the ground in the crusty blood. I stand up, trying to run over to Tae, but someone grabs me from behind.
"No, no please! Tae please!"
I scream, crying as Jungkook spins me around to pull me into his chest. I pound on his chest, crying and cussing. He moves briefly to grab my phone and puts it somewhere, I can't tell because my eyes are so blurred. I scream as he pulls me out of the room.
"No! Please please! I can't leave him!"
I try to grip onto the door frame but Jungkook pulls me back, making his way out of the dark hallway and towards the front door. I try to get out of his grasp, kicking, screaming, punching, but he doesn't let me go.
"Let me go, he needs me! I can save him, please!"
I bed and plead, tears and snot covering my face as we make our way outside. Jungkook slams the door shut and I fall onto the hard ground, feeling my world collapse once again. I cover my face and lean over, screaming for Tae and sobbing uncontrollably.
"How could someone do that? How could she?"
I scream, wanting to kill Bailey like she killed Tae. Jungkook crouches down and holds me as I let everything out of me. His tears drop onto my face as he cradles me in his lap, trying to soothe me.
I'll fucking get her for this. She'll fucking pay. I'll get my revenge, and she'll learn not to fuck with my family ever again. I'm coming for you Bailey.

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