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It's been a seven weeks by now, and we've slowly been getting into the flow of things. We figured out his name, Zadkiel. I know it sounds weird, but it's very unique, plus his nickname is Zad and Zax.
He's a pretty happy baby actually! He only fusses when he wants to be fed, changed, or held, and he rarely wakes up late at night/early morning. It's been a true blessing.
We've made a schedule. In the mornings and days when Jungkook goes to work, I take care of Zadkiel and do online schooling, work out and clean. When Jungkook comes home, he takes charge while I go to work for a few hours. We switch up when making dinner, when I have to work a bit he'll cook, but when I don't work and he has longer shifts I cook.
Zad loves baby food peaches and green beans! He's very messy, but it's still cute. His favorite toy is the drum, which can be pretty annoying sometimes, but I'll switch his toy to other various toys. Right now he's in his teething face, which woooooooo. He gets fussy a lot, but I give him teething toys and sing to him, which he loves. When I sing to him he usually falls asleep or coos at me.
I lost my baby bump, surprisingly not having loose skin, only stretch marks, but I don't mind. Cane hasn't done anything, and no hooligans have come around, so maybe turning into an angel helped us.
Tonight, Jungkook and I don't have any work, so we've been playing around with Zadkiel, trying to teach him how to walk. He's starting to crawl, but he can't hold his head up still, so he likes to lay on his back and chew on his feet and hands, along with some toys. We always put on cartoons, and he loves Bubble Guppies, which I do too.
I love my life right now. I've never been this happy, I never even imagined having a kid, or having such an amazing boyfriend. Recently, we both died our hair. I died my hair a peach color while he put blonde at his tips, which somehow turned out to be grey, but it's very sexy.
The guys come over a lot to play with Zadkiel as we go out to get groceries or go out to get coffee or have small dates. We don't want to take Zad out yet in fear of him getting sick from people, which I know, very over protective, but, I promise it's only for now. When he grows up, I won't be so protective where I practically smother him. But for now, I'm going to he because I can.
Tonight we just sit on the couch, Zad in my arms passed out, drooling. I lay on my back to against the arm of the couch, my legs over Jungkook, my knees pulled up slightly.
Jungkook runs his fingernails and hands up and down my legs, soothing me. Everything is fucking perfect. I get up to put Zadkiel in his baby crib in the living room and cuddle up to Jungkook, nuzzles into his neck, arms wrapping around his neck and leg over his legs.
"I love you," I mumble feeling sleep creep up to me.
"I love you too, baby."
I smile.

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