A Deep Conversation

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I lay down on the couch as I watch Nailed It. Jungkook walks back downstairs with his towel, messing his hair up. I'm not complaining though.
"You know, we can be together. If you wanted. There's not really anyone or anything stopping us. There aren't any laws for the fallen angels. We live forever though, so we rarely go out to be with humans since they won't live forever. Not unless you turn into a fallen angel yourself."
I sit up and look at him.
"First off, you heard me think again, didn't you? Second off, what do YOU think about this situation, what do you want? And lastly, how do you turn into a fallen angel?"
He walks over and sits beside me. I can see his back muscles as he flexes them.
"I was trying to ignore you, but it can be loud sometimes. It's not just you though, I can hear the people walking by and the people at the gas station around the block. I'm not trying to hear you. But, I'm glad I did. I want to answer your questions as much as I can."
He pauses and sighs, putting his hand through his hair.
"What I want is something I'm not sure of, yet. This situation is... interesting. You're the first human that I've actually liked to get to know and like to hang around. Most of the humans I've had to stick around with didn't want to take me to places so I can experience new things, not like you. You're different. You're kind, and happy even when things around you are tough. I do have feeling for you, but, I'm not sure what to do about them or how to show and control them. It's hard for me, I've never really felt emotions."
I look at him and feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart skipping beats. So he does like me?
"Humans can turn into fallen angels two ways. The first way, you die, and when you go to Heaven, or Hell, if you knew a fallen angel you tell the lords the fallen angels name and that you choose to be a fallen angel, regardless if you get your wings ripped off or not. It's very rare that that happens, but I've seen it. As long as you protect and serve others you can be on Earth. The second way is mixing your blood with a fallen angel. Usually the human and fallen angel cut their hands and hold their hands and smear their blood together. You don't get wings, but you live eternally. Some people get freaky and drink the other person's blood."
He looks at me and nudges me, laughing.
"Well. That's all the answers I have for you, for today at least. I hope I helped you ease your mind a bit. I do like you, and it's hard for me to control myself around you sometimes, but, I wouldn't expect you to actually choose to be a fallen angel. I don't necessarily want to see you die. And humans who choose to be fallen angels are looked down upon a lot. I don't want to cause you heart ache."
I take it all in, processing everything he told me.
"You don't really have to control yourself around me, I'm sure you've heard my nasty thoughts about you. Which, I'm so sorry if you have, and if you haven't I just fucking outed myself. I'm not sure if I want to be a fallen angel. We've only known each other for a few months, but I do like your company, and your spirit. You're much more kind than humans, which says something. I'd like to get to know you more, and if by chance we do go out, I'd consider wanting to be a fallen angel. I'm not going to die for a long time, I'm a strong badass and when I turn eight I'm going to kick people's asses!"
I put my fists up and he laughs, blushing.
"I haven't heard your dirty thoughts, but thanks for telling me. Maybe I'll start reading your mind to hear the juicy details."
I smack him on the arm and he laughs, lying on his side and holding his stomach.

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