Gender Reveal!

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It's the seventeenth week of my pregnancy and Jungkook and I are headed to the doctor's to find out the gender of our baby. I'm really excited, and I don't care what gender it is, I just love it so unconditionally. Jungkook and I have been searching and saving up money to by things for the baby, a crib, clothes, formula, things that are very essential. We've already been stocking up on diapers. Jungkook got a side job and I still work at my job, but my boss found out about me being pregnant and he keeps giving me extra money, and I keep declining but he just puts it on my check.
I have a baby bump now, and I'm even at the point of waddling. I've been wearing dresses a lot and elastic waist band pants or Jungkooks clothes, staying inside a lot and studying for school. I've really enjoyed this so far, enjoyed having this adventure with the love of my life and my second love of my life. Jungkook and I have been putting ear phones on my belly, playing rock band music and sometimes even piano music. Every night, Jungkook talks to our child, rubs my belly and tells our child he loves them so much and can't wait to meet them, telling them all the things he wants to do with them. He honestly melts my heart, and he's going to be such an amazing dad.
We finally got a fucking car, not very new, but we got it for safety for the baby, mostly. I've always had my license but never wanted to actually drive, Jungkook however is an expert at driving, I don't know how, and he's really good at parallel parking, which I'm envious of.
We park in front of the doctors office and we head inside, hand in hand. I clack my tongue piercing against my teeth, the sound being heard by Jungkook as he smirks. He opens the door for me and I thank him, waddling to the front desk and telling them my name and doctor.
We sit in the waiting room surrounded by other pregnant women, some alone and some with their lovers, and children running about.
"I'm really excited! What do you hope for it to be?"
I ask Jungkook and look at him, eyes twinkling.
"I don't care, as long as it's healthy, I just want our baby to be here soon."
He nuzzles up to me and I feel warmth spread through my chest.
A lady comes out of the back door yelling for me. Jungkook and I get up and walk past the people sitting there, some eyeing us. The lady leads us back to the room we've been in countless times.
"Doctor Raphael will be right with you." She says, closing the door behind her.
My fingers tap my thigh, feeling the silky fabric of my dress. Jungkook presses his hand against mine and moves my face towards him, kissing me softly and slowly. I trace his lips with my tongue and hear him give a soft moan, pulling me closer to him.
We pull back and I laugh at Jungkooks expression, mouth slightly open and eyes full of love and hunger.
"I will never get over your tongue piercing."
I laugh at his remark and pull his hand onto my lap. Doctor Raphael walks in and greets us, coming to shake our hands again.
"Alright! Are you guys excited to find out the gender?"
He claps his hands as we say yes. He motions me to the table bed thing that I've had to lay in several times, either having the ultrasound on my belly, or having something being shoved up my vagina, but today it's my belly. I wore spandex under my dress, just in case. I pull up my dress and lower my spandex so it isn't on my belly. Jungkook is beside me, holding my hand tightly, looking at the doctor and glancing at the screen every once and a while.
"Alright, it's gunna be cold."
I'm never prepared for the cold sticky goo that he squeezes onto my belly, I shiver a bit. He turns the screen on and puts the ultrasound tool on my belly, moving the jell around and looking for a specific spot. Jungkook and I watch the screen, waiting for the doctor to speak.
"Well, your baby has a great heart rhythm, and it seems it's growing regularly!"
I give a nervous laugh  squeezing Jungkooks hand.
"Congratulations you guys, you're having a boy!"
I gasp and Jungkook looks at me, tears falling down his face as he kisses me. I feel our tears smear together, then he pulls away.
"I have a son of my own, and let me tell you, they are pretty wild when they're toddlers, but it's worth it. Alright! I'll print off the pictures of your son and give you guys a CD! Again, congratulations."
I clean up my belly and sit back up as the doctor walks out. Jungkook and I hug, him pulling me into his lap. We cry together, happy tears, me stroking the back of his head, running my fingers through his hair, him holding me close to him, not wanting to let go.
"I love you so much." He says.
"I love you very much, too, Kookie."
We kiss again, and everything feels perfect.

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