Good Job

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"Alright. Today, we'll work on your powers and figure out what else you have."
The person, angel, speaking isn't Namjoon this time. It's a girl with a pixie haircut colored black, and she is very pasty with bright green eyes and plump red lips. She's small, but her ego isn't. She's one of the angels who are willing to help us, and her lover is a demon, who looks similar to her, but he's quiet, timid, but damn is he strong, and he has a special power that connects him with fire. He literally made a ball of fire in his fucking hand, it was crazy!
The girl can actually get into your head and force you to do and say things, and she can even put visions that aren't true or trap them in their mind full of nightmares. All of this is just amazing and scary at the same time. They told me that sometimes powers can be brought upon by feelings or triggers, so that's what they're trying to do.
They make me sit in the middle if the backyard with my arms tied behind my back, very tightly might I add. Jungkook watches, eyes set on me, facial expression unknown.
"Alright. Either try to get out of the ropes or try to hurt us or something, I highly doubt you can but try."
I roll my eyes and try to grab the rope with my hands, but it's no use. The pasty girl scoffs and walks up to me, her face so close to mine our nose could touch.
"You're really pathetic, you know. I don't know why Cane would want to come after you so fucking bad, you won't last long in this fucking battle."
I just stare at her. I know what she's trying to do, but it doesn't work for some reason, and I have a bad temper.
"I bet Cane found your precious son and your friends in Florida. I bet he's going to bring them here and skin them alive, forcing you to watch as you freeze up like a bitch, unable to save your kid. You're a pathetic, horrible, piece of sh-"
She stops speaking as her knees bash against the ground, her mouth open and her eyes fixed onto mine. Now I'm pissed off. Now, I want to fucking hurt her. I notice that the skin on her arms start to fork boils and puss pooling out of them ad they pop. Wait, am I doing this?
"Hey! That's enough!"
Her lover comes and places his hand in front of her eyes, or stare being separated. I gasp for breath, wondering what the fuck just happened.
"I'm so sorry, I-I don't know what happened but I'm so-"
She looks at me and laughs.
"Don't sweat it. I know what other power you have now. You can really fuck up our skin by making the heat inside us rise, literally burning our skin from the inside. Plus, I net if you can do that, you can make someone drop dead by making them have such a high fever their brain melts. Good job."
My eyes widen. That sounded so weird and fake, and I have no idea what she fucking means, but I'm guessing that's a good power? My trigger us getting pissed off. My trigger is my family. Jungkook comes towards me and cuts the rope off my hands. He helps me up and kisses my cheek, worry on his face. He's scared, it's only a matter of time before we have to face them, and I'm scared shitless too. Jungkook even asked for training, so we're both in the same boat.

At the end of the day, we found out I can manipulate people's heat and blood inside them, and all my other powers we established in the past. I was kind of bummed that we didn't find any new ones, but at least I can help some what when the time comes. Apparently I am the only one who can actually kill angels, or are close to it. I could have killed Cane, if I just kept my hands around his neck a but longer, if I just dug my nails in his neck further, we wouldn't have this problem. Maybe. I don't know anymore.
Zad called today to tell us he did in fact see a big shark, and a fish that had a long tail, which Jimin told him was a sting ray. Zad sent me lots of pictures. I miss him so much. I really hope everything's okay. I really hope Cane or Bailey doesn't find them, so help me god if they even touch any of them I will personally make them wish they were never born. I feel my anger rise up in my as I flip through Zads baby pictures, and the picture I was holding burns to a crisp. What the fuck just happened? What?

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