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Alright Lovelies! So, all of that was Part One, and that was a shit ton so I apologize.
There is a Part Two, don't freak out! I know I left Part One kinda wonky, but I did it for good reasons. I will be starting Part Two either later today or tomorrow, and I really hope it won't be as boring as the Part One 😂
It may be boring and not exciting for the first few episodes, maybe I'll throw in a sex scene, but I promise you it'll get better, just bare with me.
I won't spoil anything but I have to say this, Part Two is in the future, five years into the future. Zad will be five and six months, and everyone else stays the same, besides Tae, Suga has some tricks up his sleeve OoOoOOOh.
Anyways, I love you guys, thank you for reading! I promise if I don't upload later tonight that I will upload tomorrow! Oh, also, I am working on another fan fic right now, I keep posting it and then deleting it because my brain is dumb, but I will post here when I finally put on my big girl panties to post it.
Alright, that's all! I love you all!💜

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