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I forget about the door as I walk forward, slowly, my shirt covering my nose. I want to throw up everywhere, I want to burn the fucking house down, it smells so bad.
I'm scared, terrified to find out what this smell is, but I need to find out. I walk out of the hallway entrance to look to my left to see the living room and the kitchen across from it. I move into the living room, careful to avoid the window, as I search through piles of CDs, couch cushions, little cubbies, anything worth searching through. I put everything back into place after I search that place, hopefully covering my tracks.
I walk into the kitchen and search every cabinet, moving dishes and spices to feel the inside if there is something taped up against the walls or something like you would see in a movie. I can't find anything in here, so I make my way towards the hallway leading to three doors, the smell getting stronger.
I hold my breath, having to exhale and then sharply inhale from my slightly closed nose. I'm shaking, my hands reaching out towards the first door. I swing it forwards, the door banging against the wall. I turn on the light and it's just the bathroom, clean and perfect. I look through the sink cabinet and try to find anything that looks suspicious, but nothing does.
I walk back out, turning off the light and shutting the door, the smell smothering me. I walk to the end of the hallway, two doors opposite of each other, the smell is so fucking strong. I wrap my clammy, shaky hand around the clear doorknob and push it slowly, praying nothing gross is behind this door.
I look around, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. It's just shelves, everywhere, with multiple things in them, some in jars and others just sitting there, probably full of dust.
I move inwards, trying not to knock anything over as I make my way towards the first set of shelves, finding weird books about Psychology, children, and folklore? There's one book that catches my eye, and it has foreign writing on the side of it. I grab it, trying to dust off the dust with the bottom of my shirt.
I let go of my nose, holding my breath as my eyes water. I flip through the book, looking over countless of strange symbols and pictures. I see a picture that really fucking disturbs me. It looks like a ritual of some sort. It shows a little person, a child, placed onto a table, the child is cut open, and some black figure is over the child with a knife that is glowing.
My heart pounds in my ears, my hands become more clammy and sweat pouring off of me. What the fuck is this? I take out my phone and take a picture of the front cover of the book and the page that really turns my stomach upside down. I flip through the book, taking pictures of a bunch of writing and take pictures of other pages that might mean something important. I close the book and put it back into its place, my phone in my hand, realizing it could be my flashlight.
I turn my flashlight on and put my shirt over my nose again, my nose practically singed by the smell. I close the door behind me with my phone making it hard, and then turn to the other door. My heart throbs inside me, fearing for the worst. Please god, please just let it be something that they forgot to put away, like fish gone bad or meat. Please, please.
I open the door and it squeaks as it pushes open. I can't see anything yet, I have to walk forward a bit before I can turn from the small hallway in the room to look.
I gulp, the smell now suffocating me even more. The smell is definitely from here, it has to be. I slowly walk forward, my flashlight shining forward, the light bouncing off the white walls. As I walk forward more, the smell keeps hitting me in the face, crashing over me like a tidal wave. I reach the end of the hallway and I pause. Do I really want to see what's in here? Maybe I could just turn around and forget everything, forget Bailey and Tae, as if they never existed. But, Zad wouldn't forget Tae, and that's why I have to keep going.

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