The Rule

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"Ah, she's pretty. Such a shame that Cane is going to ki-"
Before he finishes his sentence I speak up.
"What's your name?" I ask, sternly.
He blinks in surprise and then grins.
"Namjoon. This is Jin."
He points to the broad shouldered guy and I nod my head.
"Sorry to break it to you, but I'm not dying, and whatever you're looking for, I'm pretty fucking sure it isn't here."
I see Namjoons jaw tighten as he keeps his eyes on me, giving me a once over.
"You have a pretty mouth. You talk too much though. How does Jungkook handle you?"
He tilts his head and I laugh.
"I'm sure you have a pretty mouth too. Does Cane like your pretty mouth? I bet you're an expert at using it too."
Namjoons jaw tightens again and starts to walk towards me, anger filled in his eyes. Jin puts a hand on his shoulder.
"The rule. We can't touch her."
I widen my eyes. So there's a rule on me?
"I don't give a fuck. She insulted me, and the bitch should get what she deserves! I'm going to rip that baby out of your stomach, along with your fucking tongue," he hisses as Jin let's go, Namjoon coming towards me.
Jungkook and Jimin stand in front of me, protecting me from Namjoon.
"Get the fuck out of my way before I have to kill you too."
Namjoons raspy voice is rising, he's clearly pissed off, and he clearly has anger issues.
"You're not going to kill any of us. You better respect that rule Cane put over you two, before you get yourself hurt," Jimin replies, balling up his hands into fists.
I look to see Jin still standing where he was before, shaking his head at Namjoon.
"Fine. I'll take on all three of you."
I hear the grass crunching and see out of a crack between Jungkook and Jimin Namjoon rushing towards us. I can't turn away, I can only watch as he gets closer and closer. I step back a bit, and see Jungkook grab Namjoons neck and squeeze. Namjoon grabs Jungkooks arm and twists it to the right, a pained growl escaping Jungkooks mouth. Jimin kicks Namjoon in the stomach, sending him ass first onto the ground in front of Jin. I watch as Jimin and Jungkook encloses around Namjoon and Jin. Namjoon lashes out and hooks Jimin in the jaw while Jin tries to hit Jungkook, but he dodges the punch and punches him in the stomach, sending all his air out of him.
I watch it all unfold, the two guys in the black suits getting thrown about and tore up, having cuts on their faces and bruises forming on their eyes. I stand, watching  unable to know what I'm supposed to do. What are they looking for again? A dagger? Wait, the first time I met Jungkook he buried something in my yard. Was that-
Before I can finish my thought arms wrap around me, arms holding me against a tall figure and tries to cover my mouth. I scream in his hand as he moves backwards. I bite into his hand, hard, feeling blood spill in my mouth. The person behind me let's out a loud yell and let's me go. I turn around to see a different guy, but the same outfit as the other two guys.
He tries to lunge at me but I dodge under him when he lunges at me, him missing me by at least a foot. I shove him forward, hands clasped into his dress shirt as he falls to the ground. I pull his arm out from under him and place it behind his back, twisting upwards more and more. He cries out, loudly. He wiggles, but I keep moving his arm towards, hearing a loud pop, my foot pressed on the lower back of his spine, making sure he can't get up. Jimin runs over and looks at me, shocked.
I let go of the guy as as Jimin quickly takes my place. He let's go of the guys arm long enough to bend down and force his head up by his hair, punching him right in the middle of his face, hearing a crunch. The guys head falls to the ground with a loud, THUD.
I'm panting as I look around me. The two men have left, gone somewhere. Jungkook is standing behind me, putting his arms under my arms to pull me up. He pulls me up and spins me around, pulling me into him, my face smushed up against his chest.
"I'm impressed. I didn't know you could defend yourself."
I'm glad he has a light humor at such a weird and bad time.
"Suga and Tae taught me. Thank them."
I wrap my arms around him, never wanting to let go. I'm still really confused about this dagger thing, and what we're supposed to do with this guy, but, all I care about is that we're all safe, and my son is perfectly fine. Kicking happily against my belly.

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