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I wake up with the sun in my eyes. I groan and put my arm over my eyes. I feel the air breezing across my body, goosebumps rising. I look over to see Jungkook passed out  lying on his stomach and his arm over my chest.
Should I get up? What do I do? I lay there for a few minutes and decide to get up. I slowly slip out of his grip and grab some clothes to put on. I walk downstairs and decide to make bacon and eggs this morning.
I'm cooking when I feel hands wrap around my waist. He's warm.
"Good morning to you, too."
I laugh. He kisses my neck and then places him chin onto my shoulder, looking at the food on the pan.
"Smells good. Any plans today?"
He let's go of me to go to the fridge. I look over and this boy is shirtless, again. The sun hits him just right to show his muscles and his tattoos. I never realized he was built like a god! He grabs a water bottle and comes back to me. He takes some gulps and then comes back behind me, putting his arms around my neck.
"Pffff. I can't see! I'm short ya know!"
He laughs and I put my hands behind my back to push him backwards. He's a literal heater! He lets go laughing at me. I finish making breakfast and we eat on the couch debating on what to do today.
"I mean. I don't care. I'm pretty sure the guys are dealing with hangovers since they all went out last night with girls. So, maybe just stay home?"
I take his plate and mine and take it to the sink.
"Staying home? That's unlike you. Do you have anything in mind?"
He followed me into the kitchen and as I turn around he puts his arms out and grabs the counter behind me. I'm stuck in front of him.
"Depends. What do YOU have in mind?"
I raise my eyebrow, testing him. He sets his jaw, as if he seems pissed off. Did I make him mad or something? He studies me, playing with my hair and tracing the outline of my face.
"Why do you keep doing that?" I ask.
"So I don't forget what you look like, feel like, if or when you die."
I never thought of it like that. I grab his belt loops on his pants to pull him closer to me, his hand in my hair.
"You won't forget me, trust me. No one does."
He smiles and we kiss again. It feels... nice. Right. It isn't the other kisses I've experienced. He doesn't shove his tongue down my throat or grab on me. I have to make the moves first regarding those two situations. He let's go of me and looks out the window.
"We can go out somewhere. I actually have to go see some people, business talk. So, you have to look like a business woman."
"Oh? I have some outfits I wore for my job interviews that seem good. I guess I'll go."
"You don't really have a say."
He snickers and I roll my eyes.

Guardian Angel [FINISHED♡]Where stories live. Discover now