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I'm going to keep this short because I've already made my statement in my other story and various social media places.
First off, us Armys know this isn't the first time having to see these hashtags to be trending, and it probably won't be the last either. We've had to do this countless of times, not just with Jungkook but with most of BTS and various other Kpop groups, and honestly, it makes me sad, sick, and angry.
I'm not really sure why exactly these hashtags are trending again, and honestly, I don't want to know. What ever this man decides to do, that's his decisions, his choices. He's a full grown man, and this is his life. He gets to do what he wants, we don't make those choices for him.
I know we had to clap back at people for hating on Jungkook about his tattoos, which I find stupid. Why can't he get tattoos? Because it isn't the perfect idol? Kiss my ass, no one is perfect. And to have this "perfect idol" shit is stupid, because that puts so much pressure on thousands of idols.
Remember how Jimin literally starved himself so he'd get super skinny? How he only ate one meal every ten days? Remember how Suga was so skinny and when he finally gained some weight he was being hated for it? So, you're telling me, you're going to bitch at someone for being too fat, forcing them to make themselves skinny, then bitch at someone else for finally gaining weight after ridiculing them for being skinny? Ya, that makes so much since!
I'm just really fucking tired of people abusing people. Jungkook may act as if he has no problems or issues, but, when you think about it, he does.
First off, have you guys noticed he hasn't been on social media lately? Hmmm, wonder why?
Secondly, I know I can experience with this, but when you have to leave your parents at such a young age, it really hurts you. It puts a damper on you. Granted, he was raised by his Hyungs, but this poor baby didn't even get to see his family for his birthdays. Most people don't understand what that feels like. It really does take a toll on you. Let alone, BTS got so much hate when they first debuted, especially for how they looked. They still get hate to this day, even though they were literally named the biggest boy band in the world.
This doesn't mean I'm going to stop fighting for him or for anyone, I'll still clap back at some dumb bitches, but, I just wish people would stop being so heartless and fucking stupid for once. We have way bigger issues right now, and we really don't have a voice in what Jungkook says or does. He's HUMAN. He cries like us, bleeds, gets angry, gets sad, just like us. You wouldn't like if someone nonstop harassed you about the way you looked, how you are too sensitive, telling you to die, now would you? Most of those people are just too much of pussies to stand out and say it because they know that Army will defend our boys. You're pathetic, 100%. Get your head out of your ass and get off the internet before you spew your dirty ass words. Words can hurt, words can KILL. Choose them wisely before someone's death is on your hands.
Sooner or later we all have to accept that they will be moving on into their future to find a family, and we need to be there to support them. I mean, fuck, I'm so stoked to see Namjoon have a little God or Goddess of Destruction, Jimin making an even tinier Mochi, J-Hope having the happiest child on the planet, Suga having a child who is the bomb at writing music, Jungkook having a bad ass kid who can do literally everything, Jin having a World Wide Sweetheart or World Wide Handsome the Second, V having a kid with THE CUTEST BOXY SMILE. These boys lives are just beginning, so please just let them live it how they want to.
That's all for today, I'm sorry it wasn't super happy, I just care about my idols and I hate seeing this. Please keep these hashtags trending, please, anywhere and everywhere. Let the boys know we will always be there for them, especially Jungkook right now. And if you're reading this and you're someone who has been ridiculing them and hurting my precious baby boys, come into my DMs real quick, I just wanna talk 🙃
I'll be updating soon, sorry I kinda left it at a wack spot, I've been busy with online school and got a minor wrist injury. I'll upload soon! Thanks, love you all!

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