Oh Fuck

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"Hey! Stop fucking around, you're going to break something!" I shout at Jimin and Jungkook who are wrestling around in the living room.
I, however, am making fish for all of us, because I've been craving parmesan Tilapia. My belly feels so god damn big, I can't see my feet. I guess that's what it's like being nine months pregnant. Jungkook and I have still been preparing, getting more baby clothes, diapers, baby bottles, baby toys, books, a baby bath that even tells you the temperature of the water inside, a place to change the baby, a cute yellow high chair, and a Walker.
We've got everything ready, we finished the room downstairs that was once my fake mother's torture room, and everytime I walk in there I get horrendous flashbacks, but, I remind myself this is where my baby boy will be sleeping, and that it will be nothing more and nothing less.
I sigh as I hear Jimin curse at Jungkook for putting him in a headlock. I fidget with the long sleeve of my dress, pulling a thread out. Lately, Jungkook and I have been trying to figure out what powers I've gotten since turning into an angel. So far, I can read and manipulate people, I can heal wounds as well, and I can force someone to feel pain. He's been helping me with exercises and keeping them in check so I don't lash out at rude ass people or anything.
Everything has been pretty good so far! We went to the doctor a month ago, and he told me that I can set up a C-section for me if I wanted so we could set a date, but I declined. I decided on just giving birth, regularly, of course with pain medication.
He told me the next month on the third week is when I should be expecting, which is next week. He's been kicking a lot more, and boy does he like to eat! I'm constantly hungry, all the time. I even eat more than Jungkook! I feel like a big ass watermelon.
I sigh, placing my hand on my belly, rubbing counter clockwise.
I can't wait to see you, baby boy. I'm so excited.
I smile, imagining my little boy with his daddy's eyes and cute little nose, along with my lips and hopefully a big ass attitude.
Jungkook presses up behind me and places his hands on my belly, making sure he doesn't press too hard. He kisses my cheek and then my neck, biting once.
"Hey! No, no, no. I haven't been able to give you hickies or have fun with you for the past month, so don't turn me on or I'll beat you up!"
I shoo him away as he laughs, taking my hand and kissing it. Jimin looks at me with a disgusted look and I laugh. I'm glad their finally getting along well, one big happy family!
The fish looks pretty good, so I grab plates and place them beside the stove, placing the fishs on different plates, putting the pan in the sink and then getting silverware for everyone.
"Thank you!"
Jimin rushes over and grabs a plate and a fork from my hand, running back to the couch. He's like a damn child!
"Thank you, baby."
I smile and kiss Jungkook.
I hand him his fork and he takes his plate, waiting for me to come with him to sit on the couch.
I feel sick, I feel like I'm going to fucking throw up. I place my hand on my stomach as I lean over a bit, afraid of actually puking. My stomach flip flops, my muscles tensing up.
"Hey, baby, what's wrong?"
I hear a plate clink on the counter and I wince a bit. Jimin comes rushing over and places a hand on my back.
"Ah.... I'm not-"
I feel something run down my leg, seeping into my socks and covering the floor. Oh fuck.

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