A Reaction

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Jungkook has his hand in mine, forcing me to be behind him as we walk out and into the backyard where we see three figures. My heart picks up and I feel dizzy.
We walk outside and I smell fresh dirt. I look around, my eyes adjusting to the darkness, to find several dug up holes in my backyard. What the fuck?
Jungkook stops and I stop behind him, one hand in his and the other clutching onto the back of his shirt that he threw on before walking outside.
"Namjoon. Jin."
Jungkook addresses the two very large figures that stand in front of him with shovels at their sides. They're wearing all black suits, one guy has silver hair in a small mullet and the other has blonde hair and really broad shoulders. I'm peeking behind Jungkook slightly when one of them turns their head to make eye contact with me.
Jungkook moves over so we lose eye contact, and I feel myself getting cold, wondering what they're searching for. Jimin comes around and is behind me, probably to make sure no one sneaks up and tries to hurt me or grab me.
"Where is it, Jungkook?"
One of the men asks in a deep voice, raspy even.
"You won't find it. It's not in the backyard," Jungkook growls back, squeezing my hand a bit.
I tighten my grip on his shirt, feeling tears spring to my eyes again, but this time out of anger. I'm angry that they ruined my back yard, that they woke me up really fucking early and almost made me shit myself, I'm mad at Cane who keeps trying to fuck us over and destroy my happiness. I swallow down my viscous words, afraid if I speak up I'll only make things worse.
"Cane wants it, and we're not leaving till we get it, so you better give it to us."
It's a different voice, it's a little bit higher pitched, but still demanding. I hear a clunk and look to see that the broad shouldered one put his shovel down, and same with the other.
"I'm not giving it to you or Cane. You better leave now."
I feel Jungkooks muscles tighten in his back, straightening his spine. I feel Jimins presence behind me, I feel his anger spilling out of him.
"Give us the dagger, Jungkook."
The low voice growls, and I hear Jimin chuckle a bit.
"What's so funny, Jimin? Don't forget that Cane practically rules you." One of the men sneers and I turn to make sure Jimin doesn't move towards them.
I put my hands on his chest and look at his face, anger and hurt written all over it.
"They're trying to make you get mad, get a reaction out of you. Don't give in." I say, Jimin staring in my eyes.
"Oh, so she finally speaks," says the low voice, chuckling after his sentence.
I try to remain calm, remind myself that he too is trying to get a reaction out of me. Calm down, Destiny, calm down.
"You two made a bastard child, haven't you? You better hope Cane catches her after she gives birth. Her torture will be a lot easier without that devil child inside her. He would have just cut it out of her anyway."
I feel the anger bubble up inside me, feeling it ooze out of my mouth. I step beside Jungkook and stare them down, waiting for that bitch to speak up again. I see Jungkook out of the corner of my eye, and I know he doesn't want me to say anything, but this is MY child, MY life that they are trying to fuck up, and I've already have enough experience with that shit, I deserve a good life! Jimin steps beside me, and his aura around him is... scary.
I look at the both if them, daring them to say something else.

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