A Horrible Past

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Jungkook comes into the room and places the bag down, closing the door with his foot and taking off his jacket. He hands me his leather jacket and I put it on. I haven't had to wear this for a while since he told me I was safe. I guess he was wrong.
"You gunna tell me about you and Jimin?"
I fold my arms and cock my eyebrow upward, staring at him, almost through him. He sighs and rubs his neck with his hand, coming towards me. He sits down beside me and lightly picks me up to set me into his lap. His legs are somewhat wrapped around me, maybe just so I won't leave.
I keep my eyes on him as he plays with my hair for a bit and runs his fingernails on my back, mostly trying to calm me down. But, I think it calms him down too.
"Please. I don't like being in the dark."
He stops rubbing my back and places one hand on the bottom of my back and the other wrapped around my waist.
"I'm guessing you heard us talking?" He asks. I shake my head and take his hand in mine.
"Jimin.... is some what of a fallen angel. He was casted out, but he was forced to get his wings ripped off. When he first came down to Earth he didn't really like it, but he found a human girl, Chrissy. And he fell in love with her. He wasn't her guardian angel or anything, but he wanted to be more with her."
He pauses and runs his thumb on the side of my hand as our fingers are locked together.
"They did start dating, they were even going to have a baby. But. Some demon got word of this and didn't like the thought of a fallen angel and a human having a child. So, he killed her. He tortured her and then cut the baby out of her stomach. He went as far as to even show Jimin the fetus."
I gasp and squeeze his hand. That's fucking awful, disgusting! I feel so bad for Jimin.
"Jimin was heart broken and pissed. The only two things he loved were taken away from him, tragically. He wanted to get revenge, so that's what he did. We weren't friends at the time, I was actually working for the guy who killed his family, but, I didn't know that he did all these horrible things, not only to Jimin but to many others."
I feel anger rising in me, slowly crawling into my throat, squeezing.
"I was his bodyguard, kind of. He assigned us to watch over his house and his wife, I'm guessing because he sensed Jimin was going to do something. This demon, isn't like others. He's almost as strong as Hades, but not a god. He has power over anyone he pleases, so some of us didn't have a choice."
He squeezes my hand again and I squeeze back, telling him to continue.
"Jimin came to the house, I saw him sneaking into the back and was about to kill him when he told me. He told me my boss killed his wife and even showed him his dead unborn baby. It made me sick, hurt. I let Jimin go, I let him kill my bosses wife. For those he hurt, for those he killed. I distracted the other body guards by telling them someone was out in the woods trying to come to the house."
He sighs.
"He killed her. I heard her screams. He finished and thanked me and left. I'm not saying I regret it, but I didn't know he would come for me, come for you. Things would have gone different had I known I was going to meet you."
I put my hand on his cheek as I feel a tear slip through my eye, landing on our hands.
"He found out I let him through, but before he could do anything I came back to Earth, I even changed the way I looked and turned off my radar so no one could hear me. But, somehow, he found me. And he's going after something that means a lot to me, like Jimin. Like the others."
He leans into my hand on his cheek and I just look at him. Holy fuck.
"What's the guys name? And, did Jimin know you were going to be my guardian angel?"
"Cain. That's his name. And, as for Jimin, yes and no. He knew before I did, so he was protecting you until I got here. We didn't want to acknowledge each other, so we just ignored each other. I'm sorry we lied to you and didn't tell you, but, we were really just protecting you. That's all I want."
Jesus. Poor Jimin. I kiss Jungkook on the nose and get up out of his lap and rush out the door, walking into the living room to see Jimin pacing. I run to him and hug him, tightly.
"I'm so sorry, Jimin. I'm so, so, so sorry."
He hugs me back and I feel him shaking, hearing him sniffle. He's crying.

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