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Song of the Chapter: Car's Outside by James Arthur

Anna's POV

"Wait? Really?" I smile and dad nods.
"Yes, it took a lot of convincing but yes."
"Thank you dad." I hug him tightly.
"Better get on the road then, come on."

I smile and jump in the back seat. Mum gets in the passenger seat and dad gets in the driver seat. I have no idea how but dad had managed to convince the group home to let me visit James.

When we arrive, we are greeted by a middle aged woman.
"Hello I'm Miss Kelly how may I help? Are you here to look at adopting?"
"Oh no, we are here to visit one of the kids." Dad says.
"Sorry sir we can't allow that. Only visitors who are looking to adopt can visit."
I look down sadly. I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Mum rests a hand on my shoulder and softly squeezes it.
"Oh no we called earlier and-"
"Sorry sir but no."
"Miss Kelly everything ok?" An older lady walks out.
"Yep just telling these lovely people that they can't visit."
"Oh hello are you Mr. Urie?" She says to dad.
"Yes. You must be Mrs King?"
"Yes. Yes of course James, yes."
"What?" Miss Kelly says. "Mrs King-"
"Miss Kelly, everything is fine thanks tell James to come to the living room."
"Can I go to his room?" I ask shyly.
"You must be Anna?"
I nod.
"Of course, follow Miss Kelly. Mr and Mrs. Urie please, join me for coffee."
Mum and dad follow Mrs King and I follow Miss Kelly.

"James? You have a visitor?"
"Who could- Anna!"
"Hello." Miss Kelly leaves us and he hugs me tightly.
"What are you doing here? I thought visitors aren't allowed."
"Special arrangement."
"I'm so glad you're here."
"Who the hell are you?" A new voice says.
"Oh put a sock in it." James groans.
"And I guess you're the girlfriend?" He says getting off his bed.
"Alright don't let me stop you I'm off."

"He's weird."
"Weird alright now what's up? Because I know that visitors aren't allowed so something must have happened."
"I've missed you." I mumble and hug him.
"I've missed you too... Anna, bub, you have been eating haven't you?"
I lower my head in shame.
"Is it that obvious?"
"Anna, come on you know that just because I'm gone doesn't mean you should let yourself deteriorate."
"I'm getting better. Dad and I went and saw Becca and she gave me some different medication and it's been helping a bit."
"That's good to hear." He kisses me and I wrap my arms around him. "Want to tell me what lead up to you going to Becca?"
"Do I have to?"
"No, but I will ask Brendon if you don't."
"You wouldn't." I laugh.
"I would because I'm worried."
I sigh but I explain that I didn't eat for almost a week and almost collapsed. He doesn't say anything and wraps his arms around me.
"I'm sorry James."
"Bub I told you to call me if you needed."
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to bother you, you have all your own stuff going on."
"That doesn't matter."
"It does. Plus I didn't want to disappoint you I already disappointed Tyler."
"Yeah, I called him to talk and he was just disappointed."
"I'm sure he's not."
"We haven't talked since it happened."
"When did you talk?"
"Three days ago."
"Give him a call. I'm sure everything is fine."
"Maybe. Anyway that's more than enough from me, how are you?"
"Alright, pretty lonely I miss you guys. Peter, Abi and Layla too."
"We all miss you too, not too long now."
"Yeah only about a week."

I smile and lean up against him, breathing in the scent I missed. He plays with my hair and I smile.
"I've missed this."
"Me too, how are you though? You haven't had any more panic attacks have you?"
"I mean yeah but I'm ok."
"James I told you to call me."
"So did I."
"I guess we were both in the wrong. Please call me though please?"
"Only if you will."
"I promise."
I smile and close my eyes just as the door opens.

"Sorry A, it's time to go." Dad smiles.
"Really? I don't want to." I curl up against James.
"Sorry darling, they have to go have dinner and we need to get home before dark." I sigh. "I know you don't want to leave darling but it's only one more week."
I nod.

There's more to life (Adopted by Brendon Urie) | #2Where stories live. Discover now