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Song of the Chapter: this is what falling in love feels like by Marina Lin

Anna's POV

"Come onnnnn." I drag out while smiling at my boyfriend.
"I'm coming. Hold on." He chuckles. I fake pout as he takes his time to tie his shoes.
"You kids have fun ok?" Dad smiles from the door way.
"We will thanks Brendon."
"Be back by 11pm."
"Sure thing."
James grabs his keys from the table and places an arm around my shoulders.
"I've been ready for the last 15 minutes." I huff.
"Alright, alright gorgeous." He smiles and unlocks his car. He gets into the drivers seat while I jump in the passenger seat.

Safe, better keep that thought to yourself
When you find that place and it only lasts for a minute
Yeah, it only lasts for a minute
These days, gotta take your time, find your space
You can say it louder, but only you're gonna hear it
And it's gone in less than a minute

We happily shout the lyrics to our playlist on our way to dinner.
"I can't believe we've been together for a whole year." He smiles at me.
"I know, thank you for putting up with me and dealing with me for the past 12 months. I know I'm a handful with me breaking down and all."
"You aren't a handful at all. I love you so much and I'll always be here for you."
"Thank you, I love you too."
He keeps glancing over at me and smiling.
"What?" I smile.
"Oh nothing." He grins. I shake my head and pick up my ringing phone.

"Hey Abs."
"Hey Anna, Whatcha doing?"
"With James."
"Oh my gosh, it's your anniversary isn't it!?" She starts squealing.
"Congratulations you two."
"Thank you."
"No problem call me when you're free."
"You ok?"
"Oh yeah I'm all good just call me later."
"Are you sure?"
"Oh yes 100% don't worry about it sorry for stressing you out I just wanted to call and catch up."
"Oh ok."
"Have fun you gorgeous people."
"Thanks." I smile.

I hang up the phone and James was smiling to himself.
"Come on what?" I grin.
"Nothing, absolutely nothing. I'm just happy."
"So am I."
"And that's exactly why I'm happy. I haven't see you so happy in so long."
"Same goes for you."

It had been a rough month for the both of us. James' panic attacks had become less frequent and I think it had been about 2 weeks since his last one. While we both struggled to get through nights, we were both getting there. Dad took James to a therapist which I think helped him and I'm seeing Becca twice a week because dad is worried that I'm focusing on James too much and not myself.

If you died I'd hope you'd haunt me
'Cause you know I'd miss you bad
There's something I haven't told before

We continue singing until we reach the restaurant. We get taken to our table and start looking at the menu. After ordering, James and I talk about what we were going to do after we finish school. I had a career in music thanks to being signed at Christmas but James wasn't sure on what he wanted to do. He wanted to go into medicine but he didn't have the grades for it due to missing so much school.

"There's still 3 ish months until we finish and we still have exams, I'm sure you can do it."
"I don't know A, it's a lot of work."
"If its what you want, I believe in you. And even if you don't do too well in the exams, there's courses you can take if you want a degree in medicine."
"Hmm ok, maybe I will."

I give him a smile as our food arrives. We start eating in a comfortable silence just occasionally speaking up about something.

"Hey?" James asks after about 5 minutes of silence.
"When we're finished with school and all, would you maybe want to think about moving out or something?"
"Where did that come from?"
"I was just thinking I mean we're basically adults but I understand if you don't want to I just thought I throw the idea into the air."
"James," I cut him off, "I'd love to."
"Really. But let's decide all the details and all when we graduate."
"Good idea."

There's more to life (Adopted by Brendon Urie) | #2Where stories live. Discover now