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I find Jimin sitting at the end of the bed of the left with a bottle of whiskey in his right hand, holding it by the neck of it. His eyes are puffy with tears rolling down his red stained cheeks, my heart chatters to see him like this.

I take a few steps as I gently call his name once, he looks up at me and sobs less before looking back down. I sit next to him as he takes a sip of whiskey, I rub his back and look at his state while asking under my breath "What happened for you to be like this?"

He sniffs a few times before finding the words to answer "I'm lonely". As he takes another sip of his bottle I grab the bottle out of his hand and get up before placing on the desk next to us.

Jimin whines and swallows his sip as I sit back next to him and say to him "Drinking won't solve your problems". He looks down and I take my phone out of my pocket before unlocking it and going on my translation app.

I tell Jimin "Tell me what happened" as I press 'record' on the app and Jimin starts explaining his situation in Korean words. It takes a few minutes before he stops talking and I stop recording before waiting for the app to translate what he just said.

After a minute, it translate and it reads "I've been lonely ever since the boys started hanging out without me. I would always be left by myself, even when we had to sleep together in different rooms. So every time we would stay at a hotel I would be the only one in a room, I would drink until midnight and cry myself to sleep."

I look up from my phone and see Jimin sitting on the desk continuing to drink the strong alcohol I took from him. I get up as I put back my phone in my pocket and walk up to Jimin who is still looking down.

I slowly take the bottle out of his hand and he doesn't argue or hold the bottle tighter, I place it at the other side of the desk and walk back to Jimin before gently wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

I place my right cheek against his left temple as he hugs back by wrapping his arms around my chest. He sobs in my arms for a few seconds before I pull back saying "I should go back to my room.."

I get off the desk but Jimin still has his arms around me, he still holds me as he says 'no' repeatedly. I start walking towards the direction of the door but Jimin holds me tighter begging "No, stay!"

I turn my head to him and see that he's on the urge of crying again while saying one more time "Please". I look down to his hands holding me back and give up by saying "Okay, just let me get my stuff here"

He nods as I take his hands off me and walk out of the room, I knock on RM's door and he answers before I tell him "I'm sleeping over at Jimin's room, I came to get my stuff."

He gives me a confused face while letting me in and asking "Why are you sleeping there?". "It too late to tell you now, I'll tell you tomorrow" I say to him while closing my suitcase a grabbing it while heading to the door.

I hug RM goodnight before leaving and walking up to Jimin's door, I knock and enter the room to see that Jimin was waiting for me right where I last saw him. He sees me and smiles before getting off the desk and quickly whipping off his stains of tears on his cheeks.

I lay my suitcase against the right side of my bed and open it to grab my hygiene pack before walking in the bathroom and closing the door behind me. I unzip my hygiene pack and take out my skin care cream first.

I open the small container and pour some of it on the tip of my fingers before whipping it everywhere on my face, like a mask. After that I leave it, wash my hands and take out from the pack my toothbrush and toothpaste.

I brush my teeth and rinse my face with water to take off the cream left on my face, before drying it with a towel. I put back my stuff in my pack and close it back before opening the door to find Jimin in a blue-grey pj outfit.

He must've took the time that I was in the bathroom to change, I walk to my suitcase and put back in it my hygiene pack while Jimin walks in the bathroom. As he washes his teeth I get in my bed under the covers and get on my phone to find that Jin sent me a photo:

 As he washes his teeth I get in my bed under the covers and get on my phone to find that Jin sent me a photo:

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I smile to the text and activate my alarm for 7am as I hear Jimin come out of the bathroom. I put my phone on the nightstand on my left and lie down on my left.

Jimin gets under the covers of his bed and lies down before I close my eyes and hear the lights turn off. Silence fills the air as I slowly drift to sleep but I suddenly start to hear sheets rubbing together.

The sound drifts away for a few seconds before I feel my sheets being lifted and a weight dip behind me. Confused, I turn around and see Jimin crawling under the covers of my bed.

He lays down facing me and wraps his arms around my waist before looking from his arms wrapped around me to my eyes. I look back at him a little confused but realize he told me he didn't want to be alone tonight, this is probably what he meant.

My folded arms get closer to his chest until my hands touch it, making Jimin discreetly gasp. I move my right hand up his left cheekbone and approach my head to his before placing on his forehead a gentle comforting kiss.

After I've done that Jimin blushes and lays his head against my chest, I caress the back of his head as I feel sleep slowly take over my body.

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