Lightning strike

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After the show

Jennifer's POV:

We leave the building and it's raining a few drops, making us walk faster. I ask RM for his keys because I want to drive for once and he gives them to me before I run to the car and click the button to open the car.

It opens and I quickly get it before turning on the engine and opening the back door while saying through my open window "Come on, slow pokes! Get in!"

Suga's POV:

We chuckle as she says that, since we're more than five meters away. RM yells "Do be so impatient!" and we chuckle again before Jennifer rolls her eyes and a deafening lightning noise bursts our ears half a second before we see a bright light suddenly appear in front of us, blocking our view.

We cover our eyes and a vibration pushes us back before the light disappears and the windows of our car explode. We get confused and our sight slowly comes back and we realize Jennifer's just been struck by lightning in the car.

I starts panicking and run to the car as our hearing goes out from the lightning bolt, I get to the car and try to open the driver's door but I won't open. V and Jungkook help me in panic and fright and we open the door before finding Jennifer knocked out.

I quickly pick her up and get her out of the car before laying her on the ground a few meters away from the vehicle. I check her pulse while the six members gather in panic around me and feel no heartbeat.

I start panicking and yell at the boys "Call 911!" As I start doing CPR on Jennifer's chest. I start pumping and hear the boys on the urge of tears saying "Jennifer, please don't die."

I stop and check her pulse, still none. I start getting sad and start pumping again but twice as harder and faster while yelling "Come on, Jennifer! You can't give up now!"

I hear Jimin start sobbing and yelling while Jin holds him back in tears and sobbing too. I stop and check her pulse once more, as I do that I pray for there to be a heartbeat.

I feel one and sigh of relief before looking up at a severely stressed RM and telling him "I feel a pulse" RM smiles as he gets on his knees and kisses Jennifer's forehead before saying to her "Everything's gonna be fine, I promise."

I get back up and Jungkook suddenly hugs me tightly while thanking me from the bottom of his heart. I smile and he pulls away before I see Jungkook and V still stressed, looking at Jennifer.

Jin quickly kneels beside her and asks frustrated "Why isn't she waking up?!" I explain "She's in shock, it's normal" I hear the ambulance sirens get closer so I look up to see the trunk enter the parking space and drive up to us.

It roughly stops next to us and the back doors open to see three people exit the trunk and rush to Jennifer. I step aside to let them do their job and stay with Jin and J-Hope as they put Jen on the stretcher.

They put her in the back and I ask as we get closer to the truck "Could we come with her? Our car got struck by lightning" they nods and I smile before we all get inside but squeeze together to let the guy do their job.

They check her pulse and the guys says "She going through a coma" before they put on her the face mask to help her breathe. They start putting measles in her arms which are connected to a monitor, defibrillator and a respiratory ventilator.

I look over at the others and see that Jin and Jimin and quietly crying together while V and Jungkook are patient, knowing that Jennifer's gonna be alright. Since they're next to me, I wrap my arm around them and hold them close to me as I look at the other members.

J-Hope is calling the manager in tears and Jin has his head in his hands, making us not able to see his true emotions. I look at RM next to me and he put his hands together and against his lips, like he's thinking about what's gonna happen next.

We get to the hospital and we get out of the truck before following the doctors into the hospital. We get to an empty hospital room but the doctor restrict us from entering the room, which is understandable.

We go back to the waiting room of the hospital and start waiting and waiting.

Jimin's POV:

Seing Jennifer about to die made me realize how much I need her, she's the love of my life. But she doesn't want me, which makes me really sad. I brush my hair back with both my hands and look down as I put my forearms against my knees.

I look around and see all the other people crying but mostly patient to wait for their loved ones. I look back down and squint my eyelids as I start sobbing quietly. I feel a hand placed on my back and I look to my side to see V taking care of me, I sit up and lay my head against his as I start to calm down.

Jungkook's POV:

Jennifer's near-death experience made me feel like there is hope after all, but she's gonna be in a coma which sucks. Jimin bursted into tears when Suga was reviving her, he must care about her more than I do.

I look over at him and se that he's calmed down and resting against V. Come to think of it, we all care about her equally but only one of us is in love with her. Or is that normal? Did V fake his feelings for Jennifer or do we all feel the same way about her?

I can't be in love with her, she's my best friend. AND RM's childhood best friend. I don't even know how I feel about her, all I know is I care about her the most from every girl I've ever met.


The boys's reactions is something you don't expect from people who've known each other for only a month. I'm surprised to see that they have grown a strong bond with Jennifer, which makes me happy but also sad that we might never see her again.

Just as I see that people are starting to recognize us and point at us the doctor comes up to us and says "She's doing well, you were just in time" We sigh of relief and smile before he says "Although, she is going to be in a coma for a weak."

Our smiles drop and J-Hope gets up panicked before asking us "But what about tour? We can't just leave her here, right?" I say "We can pause it, we need to stay here for Jennifer."

He nods a little reassured and sits back down before Suga asks the doctor calmly "When can we see her?" He answers "You can now" and we all stand up before he shows us the way to the hospital room.

He opens the door for us and we see Jennifer in the hospital bed, with tubes in her arms and an oxygen mask. I gasp from seing her like this as we come in the room.

We get close to her as V asks the doctor "Did anything physical or mental change her?" The doctor shakes his head and answers "She'll be like this never happened."

We nod and Jin, Jimin and Jungkook sit on the small couch while I sit on the chair next to them and Jimin sits on the small stool between the bed and the wall. The doctor says to us "I'll leave you kids alone" and leave the room before closing the door behind him.

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